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The Raccoon, the Cat and the Frog

One fine day, the cat went to his friends, raccoon and frog, and told
them, “There’s a party in the other forest and we’ve been invited!”
“Great! Just make sure we enjoy ourselves,” raccoon and frog replied.
The three friends went on their way when they heard flowing waters.
When they approached, they saw that it was a wide river. Cat and
raccoon were afraid to cross so they asked frog to help them find a
way. “I’ll be right back.” Frog told them. Some time passes by and the
two friends begin to worry. Not long after, frog came back. He asked
them, “Do you trust me?” and his friends replied, “Of course we trust
you.” The three of them crossed safely to the other forest.
While they were walking, an eagle swooped down from the sky and attacked them. Cat and raccoon were able to run
quickly, but frog was left behind with his short leaps. “Into the log!” Raccoon instructed. While waiting, the cat and raccoon
came up with a plan. “Do you trust us?” The cat and raccoon asked. “Of course, I trust you, but what do you mean?” Frog
answered. “Just keep leaping, leap as far as you can.” The cat said. “We’re right behind you.” The raccoon assured. So, after
gathering his courage, the frog went leaping away. Cat and raccoon kept their promise. While the eagle was busy chasing
frog, the two friends pinned him down and scratched his eyes enough to send him away.

v Finally, the three friends came together and arrived at the party.

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