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Presentation on Determinants

of culture

Presented By:
Siwani Chauhan
 In strategic management, culture refers to the shared values,
beliefs, attitudes, customs, and behaviors that characterize an
organization and guide its members actions and decisions.
 It is a aspect of the organization's identity and can impact its
overall performance and success.
 Culture is a dynamic and evolving concept that changes over time
and is influenced by factors such as globalization, technology, and
social and economic conditions.
Determinants of culture
 The following are some determinants of culture in strategic management:

1. Values and Beliefs: Culture is determined by the shared values and

beliefs of an organization's members. These values and beliefs shape the
way individuals think and behave within the organization.
2. Norms and Practices: Culture is also influenced by the norms and
practices that are established within an organization. These norms and
practices guide behavior and decision-making and can be formal or
3. History and Tradition: The history and tradition of an organization can
also shape its culture. The values, beliefs, and practices that have been
established over time can become deeply ingrained in the organization's
4. Leadership Style: The leadership style of an organization's leaders can also
influence its culture. Leaders who emphasize collaboration and teamwork, for
example, are likely to create a culture that values cooperation and mutual
5. Organizational Structure: The structure of an organization can also play a
role in determining its culture. Organizations with a decentralized structure,
for example, are likely to have a more collaborative culture than those with a
centralized structure.
6. External Environment: Finally, the external environment can also shape an
organization's culture. Organizations that operate in highly competitive
industries, for example, may have a more aggressive culture than those
operating in more stable or regulated environments.
7. Economics: The economic systems in place in a society can also influence
its culture. Factors such as income distribution, wealth, and job opportunities
can affect the way people live and interact with each other.
8. Technology: Advances in technology can also have a significant impact on
culture. New inventions and innovations can change the way people
communicate, work, and play, and can create new cultural practices and norms.
9. Demographics: The demographic makeup of a society can also shape its
culture. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, and religion can all influence
cultural practices and beliefs.
10. Education: Education can also play a significant role in shaping culture.
The education system can influence values, beliefs, and knowledge, and can
promote certain cultural practices and traditions.
11. Politics and Governance: The political system and governance structure in a
society can also impact its culture. Laws and regulations can influence social
norms, and political ideologies can shape values and beliefs.
Thank you

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