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Flow of the ppt

 Aston Mass spectrograph

 Techniques and principles

 Result of the spectrum

 Analysation of the result

 Some other stuff (Miscellaneous)

Flow of the ppt

 Aston Mass spectrograph

 Techniques and principles

 Result of the spectrum

 Analysation of the result

 Some other stuff (Miscellaneous)

Aston mass
 Passed through slits.
 Electric field
 Ions deflected
 Magnetic field
 Ions separated
according to m/z
Condition of focusing

𝜃 : mean angle of deviation of beam in electric

∅ : mean angle of deviation of beam in magnetic fields
d𝜃 : be dispersion angle due to electric field
d∅ : be the convergence angle due to magnetic field
a : distance between Electric field and magnetic field
b : distance between magnetic field and photographic plate
 All the particles having the same value of e/m are focused at a
single point, so the intensities of lines of plate are large.
 The intensities of a line in mass spectrum is proportional to total no.
of particles of that mass. Hence a rough idea of various isotopes of
elements can be made.

 The mass scale is generally not linear.

 Owing to the polarisation of electrodes of electric field, the traces
are not quite straight but slightly curved.

 It is used for investigation of Isotopes.

Flow of the ppt

 Aston Mass spectrograph

 Techniques and principles

 Result of the spectrum

 Analysation of the result

 Some other stuff (Miscellaneous)

Flow of the ppt

 Aston Mass spectrograph

 Techniques and principles

 Result of the spectrum

 Analysation of the result

 Some other stuff (Miscellaneous)

 Passed through slits.
 Electric field
 Ions deflected
 Magnetic field
 Ions separated
according to m/z
• Mass spectrometry (Edmond do hoffmann)
• Principles of Mass spectrometry (Pavia lampman Kriz)
• Plots taken from Internet.(libre texts)

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