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What is Negotiation?
 Negotiation is a dialogue where two or more sides work
together to reach an agreeable solution for all involved

 This may result in formal agreement like a contract or a less

formal understanding, like verbal agreement
What do we negotiate?
 Job Offer

 Pay Raise

 Budget Increase

 Buying and selling property

 Closing a sale with customer

 Etc.
Negotiation skills
 Communication  Integrity

 Active listening  Problem Solving

 Emotional intelligence  Decision Making

 Expectation management

 Patience

 Persuasion

 Planning
Negotiation Strategies
 Do your research Negotiations’ four possible out come

“The real winners in life are the people

 Know your priorities who look at every situation with an
expectation that they can make it work
or make it better”

 Consider the opposition

 Keep communication open

Possible outcomes of a negotiation
 Lose – Lose
*Neither party achieves
*Loss of interest by either party to engage in future negotiation

 Win – Lose / Lose - Win

*One party wins and the other loses
*The loser usually loses interest in negotiating with winner in future
*This may lead to lose - lose outcome

 Win – Win
*This is the ideal outcome
* The need and goals of both parties are met
*Both parties walk away with positive feelings
 No outcome
*Neither party wins or loses
*There is possible willingness to go back to negotiation table

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