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Organizational Concepts
Theory of Philosophy of Police Service

Theory of Police Service

1. Home Rule Theory
 police are considered servants of the community.
 Effectiveness of the policemen in their functions depends on the express wishes of the people.
 Policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is the preservation of public peace and security.
2. Continental Theory
 Policemen are considered servants of a higher authority.
 Ordinary people have little or no share in all of the police duties, nor have any direct connection with the police
Concept of Police Service
1. Old Concept
 Police is looked upon a repressive machinery of the government.
 The yardstick of police efficiency is more arrest. Thus the job of the police is to arrest and put
people in jail rather than keep them out of jail.

2. Modern Concept
 Police is an instrument for crime prevention.
 The yardstick of police efficiency is the absence of crime.
Organizational Principle
 Work Specialization – employees can work more efficiently if they’re allowed to specialized. Sometimes called
Division of Labor.

 Chain of Command – is an unbroken line of authority that links all persons in an organization and defines who
reports to whom.

 Unity of Command – an employee should have one and only supervisor to whom he or she is directly

 Scalar principle – refers to a clearly defined line of authority that includes all employees in the organization.

 Authority – is the formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate
resources to achieve organizationally desired outcomes.
1. Which of the following express that policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is the
preservation of public peace and security?
a. Old Concept c. Modern Concept
b. Continental Theory d. Home Rule theory

2. Under this philosophy, the yardstick of police efficiency is the absence of crime.
a. Old concept c. Continental theory
b. Modern concept d. Home rule theory

3. Which one is clearly defines line of authority that includes all employees in the organization?
a. Chain of command c. Delegation of authority
b. Scalar principle d. Unity of command
4. This theory states that policemen are considered as servant of the community.
a. Old concept c. Home rule
b. Modern concept d. Continental

5. In organizational principle, the employees can work more efficiently if they have work _________.
a. specialization c. flexibility
b. responsibility d. control

6. This theory implies that policemen are considered servants of a higher authority.
a. Home rule c. Continental
b. Modern concept d. Old concept
Types of Authority

1. Line Authority – gives a manager the right to direct the work of his or her employees and make
many decisions without consulting others.

2. Staff Authority – Support line authority by advising, servicing, and assisting.

3. Functional Authority – is authority delegated to and individual or department over specific

activities undertaken by personnel in other departments.

 Delegation – is the downward transfer of authority from a manager to a subordinate.

4 Steps in Successful Delegation of Responsibilities to the
1. Specially assign task to individual team members – the manager needs to make sure that employees know that they
are ultimately responsible for carrying out specific assignments.

2. Give team members the correct amount of authority to accomplish assignments – an employee is assigned
authority commensurate with the task.

3. Make sure that team members accept responsibility – responsibility is the duty to perform that task or activity an
employee has been assigned.

4. Team members need to know that they are accountable for their projects – answering for one’s actions and
accepting the consequences.
How to Effectively Delegate:

1. Match the employee to the task – the individual selected should possess the skills and capabilities needed to
complete the task.
2. Be organized and communicate clearly – the manager must have a clear understanding of what needs to be done.
3. Transfer authority and accountability with task – providing the employees with necessary resources and power to
succeed, giving them timely feedback on their progress, and holding them fully accountable for the results of their
4. Choose the level of delegation carefully – depending upon the confidence the manager has in the subordinates and
the importance of the task, the manager can choose to delegate at several levels.

Span of Control – refers to the number of workers who report to one manager.
Span of Control
7. What is the downward transfer of authority from a manager to a subordinate?
a. span of control c. delegation
b. chain of command d. command responsibility

8. Which of the following gives a manager the right to direct the work of his or her employees and make
many decisions without consulting others.
a. line authority c. staff authority
b. functional authority d. delegation

9. In order to have a successful delegation of responsibility, make sure that the team members accept
a. authority c. assignment
b. responsibility d. flexibility
10. The task is effectively delegate if the employees skill and capabilities are _______.
a. excellent and perfect c. exceptional in work
b. match with the task d. aligned with responsibility

11. Which of the following that refers to the number of workers who report to one manager?
a. chain of command c. delegation
b. command responsibility d. span of control

12. Why it is need to be organized and communicate clearly in delegating the task to the members?
a. it provides understanding of what needs to be done
b. it gives a sense of responsibility to the members
c. it will provide a knowledge about the organization
d. it will give a better performance for the employee
Centralized organization
 Systematically works to concentrates authority at the upper levels.

Decentralized organization
 Management consciously attempts to spread authority to lower organization level .
Principles of Police Organization

1. Principle of Unity Objectives

 Every police officer should play a part in the attainment of the objectives o the police

2. Principle of Organizational Efficiency

 This principle requires that, in order that the PNP organization is effective, it must be structured in
a certain manner to accomplish the objectives with a minimum cost.

3. Scalar Principle
 This principle requires a vertical hierarchy of organization which defines the unbroken chain of
command from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority.
4. Functional Principle
 This principle is otherwise known as division of work according to type, place, time and specialization.

5. Line and Staff Principle

 It states that operational units are responsible for the direct accomplishment of the objectives while the
administrative units are responsible for support and advisory functions that facilitate the operational units.

6. Principle of Balance
 Application of the principles of organization must be balanced to ensure the effectiveness of the patrol force in
accomplishing its objectives.

7. Principle of Absoluteness of Responsibility

 It states that the responsibility for performance of the deputy chief of the chief of police is absolute and vice
versa, and that the chief of police cannot escape his accountability on the activities performed by his
8. Principle of Flexibility
 It states that there is higher tendency that the PNP can fulfill its purpose if the organization receives more
provisions for flexibility.

9. Principle of Authority Level

 Decisions within the authority of the police station commanders should be made by them and should not be
referred to their superiors, such as the police district commander.

10. Principle of Parity and responsibility

 The responsibility of the head of the investigation section for the actions of his detectives cannot be greater than
that implied by the authority he has delegated nor should it be less.
13. What principle of organization is applies if the police officers plays a part in the attainment of the
objectives of the police organization?
a. Principle of unity objectives c. Principle of organizational efficiency
b. Scalar principle d. Principle of balance

14. What type of principle is apply if the decisions within the authority of the police station commanders are
made by them and should not be referred to their superiors?
a. Functional principle c. Principle of authority level
b. Line and staff principle d. Principle of balance

15. What type of principle is otherwise known as division of work according to type, place, time and
a. Scalar principle c. Principle of balance
b. Principle of flexibility d. Functional principle
The End

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