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Fill in by Evaluator

For Evaluation Fill in by

Group II – Staff / Operator Evaluatee

Individual Performance Evalua-



Name Department Operation

Panel Man
ID 212022 Position

Year 2017 Date 08 Des 2017

Evaluation Guide Line

• Evaluator should check below items before evaluation

- Evaluation Group II
- Check Team Target / KPI
- Check individual subject / KPI
- Collect performance data
- Check evaluation items
- Interview

• Evaluator should evaluate evaluatee base on objective fact and judgment for achieving performance
during normal management activities.
Evaluatee Evaluator

Performance Evaluation
▶ Major Activities Plan and Result
※ Evaluatee should describe performance after making subject / work scope according to Job description

Major Activities Plan Result

1. Produce narrow cut range distillate

2. Adjust Operating condition without
off spec product for lifting
3. Conduct Blending Activities for any
off-spec product.
Maintaining the stability
4. Control Noack at Final Tank (100N
1 of VDU & CDW operating 13.4% and 150N 7.3%)
conditions 5. Control Pour point (No Flow) at
Final Tank < -19 degC
6. Conduct Test Run for Yield Im-
7. Maintain Stable Operating Condi-
1. Maintain Equipment Reliability
- Routine Check (Patrol) using check-
sheet Equipment Condition
- Daily morning meeting to follow-up
equipment status
- Conduct Rotating Equipment
Maintain Equipment switching based on schedule
Reliability to achieve OSF - Routine Work Activities
- Routine Check DCS Alarm & Logic
2. Conduct Coordination and
Communication with HCU
- Having Coordination
- Improve relationship with RU-II

1. Zero HSE & Operational Accidents

Maintain of plant operation 2. Environmental Pollution Good Con-
properly and safely for trol
human and environment

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Evaluatee Evaluator

Performance Evaluation
▶ Major Activities Plan and Result
※ Evaluatee should describe performance after making subject / work scope according to Job description

Major Activities Plan Result

1. Check Metering Measurement Readiness

- Daily Monitoring Metering Condition
2. Fuel Reduction
- Optimize Heaters Operation to Increase
Efficiency i.e. Adjust Feed Rate, draft
pressure, O2 excess, dilution steam,
Re-boiler flow-rate.
- Maximize reflux ratio
- Minimize off-gas flaring and maximize use
to heaters
- Optimize soot blowing for heater H0101
3. Steam Reduction
- Identify and report steam leak points and
trap mall function
- Support steam trap maintenance programs
- Reduce Steam consumption at ejector,
stripping steam, steam coil, steam tracing
4. Electric Reduction
- Adjust recycle gas compressor load based
on CDW feed rate
Operational Efficiency - Routine Cleaning Strainer pump and
Program compressor.
- Optimize P0315A (turbine driver)
Operation Cycle
- Adjust C/W fan at High-Low mode
- Reduce number of E0101 fan motor
5. Water Reduction
- Identify and report water line leak points
- Maximize condensate recovery
- Reduce C/W blowdown &make-up by
controlling water quality
6. Nitrogen Reduction
- Maintain LIN Drum pressure by PCV
- Optimize N2 source from PSA
7. Chemical Reduction
- Chemical Dosage Control following jar
test result
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Evaluatee Evaluator

Performance Evaluation
▶ Major Activities Plan and Result
※ Evaluatee should describe performance after making subject / work scope according to Job description

Major Activities Plan Result

1. Shutdown Activities
- Conduct Plant Shutdown
- Conduct LGO flushing, Oil sloping,
De-inventory, Steam Purging,
N2 floating, Blind installation
Complitation of TA CDW 2. Start-up Activities
Unit, Change Catalyst - Monitoring and check 100% progress
5 mechanical works
CD-R0201 - Conduct Blind removal, PSSR, Steam
Purging, N2 purging,
LGO flushing, Plant Start Up
3. Start-up and Shutdown Report Lesson
4. Change catalyst CD-R0201 succsess
1. Operator Skill Improvement Program
- Conduct job rotation in shift team
(Min 1 time / 2 year)
- Conduct in-house training programs
Competency (1 time / year)
6 Development - No external training on this year
- Conduct training for New Panel Man
Program (1 time / month)
- Conduct Operator Assessment

2. Individual Development Plan (IDP)

- Create Basic Competency
- Create Individual Development Plant
 Campaign of 5S (Short – Straighten – Shine –
Standardize – Sustain) for working area
- Team Building
- Family Gathering
- 100% Routine work execution
 Suggestion System for Improvement of work-
ing area, such as
7 Mindset Change
- Material & Stock Control idea
- HSE improvement idea
- Efficiency idea
- Improvement Procedure
- Optimization of Production
• Discipline mind development
• Proactive mind development

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Evaluatee Evaluator

▶ Personal Opinions for Company of Evaluatee

- Satisfaction for company ( Mark “V”)

Satisfaction  √
Very Good    Good Normal Bad Very Bad
for Job

Satisfaction for √
Very Good    Good Normal Bad Very Bad

Satisfaction for
Very Good  √  Good Normal Bad Very Bad

Satisfaction for
Very Good    Good Normal √ Bad Very Bad

Atmosphere of
Very Good  √  Good Normal Bad Very Bad

Opinions or Suggestions to Management (By Employee)

▶ Performance Evaluation (By Evaluator)

S Conducting work perfectly and performance is super excellent level

A Conducting work carefully and performance is superior level

Grade B Conducting work acceptably and performance is good level

C Conducting work so-so but making mistake sometimes need to check the result.

D Conducting work with very many mistake and result must be checked

※ If evaluation grade is “S”, describes detail reasons .

1st Evaluator 『 』

2nd Evaluator 『 』

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Evaluatee Evaluator

Patra SK Value Evaluation

■ Company Ownership/Loyalty
 Contribution for profit maximization
 Ownership
 Responsibility

Making all his/her best effort for ensuring corporate survival and
S growth with self-ownership and sacrificing him or herself by regarding all
activities in team as his or her work while achieving team target and strategy
Having an ownership for ensuring corporate survival and growth and
A conducting work with the challenging and positive attitude and strong
responsibility to achieve team target and strategic.
Making an effort and doing work with responsibility for task given in order
to achieve team target and strategic while having an ownership for corporate
Having good understanding for company management policy and behaving
with an effort and responsibility to achieve team target and strategic
Not enough for corporate growth, ownership, effort, and responsibility to
achieve team target/strategy.

1st Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

2nd Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

■ Leadership for Change

 Participation in Change
 Creativity

Leading team change by understanding with finding out overall business

S environment of team and company and setting up the right direction for
change while respecting variety and creativity.
Involving positively in making an effort of team change pursuit with flexible
A thinking and creative idea with good understanding of overall business
environment of team and company
Showing an effort of team change pursuit in his or her work with continuous
B improvement by displaying creativity while responding the change of
business environment flexibly
Making an effort to improve his or her work by accepting opinion or creativity
with positive attitude for change.
Not enough for showing an effort to improve his and her work and
D having tendency to settle down in current comfort with negative or passive
attitude for change

1st Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

2nd Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

- 6 Page -
Evaluatee Evaluator

■ Spirit
 Positive Thinking
 Determination
 Thoroughness in one’s working

Conducting work perfectly with faith and determination of “I can do it” even though
work seems impossible by challenging with positive and ambitious spirit
Conducting his or her work better than expectation with self-confidence through
finding problem solution progressively under very difficult environment
Conducting his or her work compactly and firmly and absorbing in his or her
work voluntarily and willingly under difficult environment
Dealing with work progressively always, conducting his or her work
sincerely and work result is acceptable.
D Not having self-confidence for his or her work and work result is not correct.

1st Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

2nd Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

■ Teamwork
 Cooperation
 Coordination
 Communication

Recognizing by high trust and respect and respect in the team by putting devot-
S edly team target and task in common on higher priority than his or her own work.
Conducting perfect coordination and communication with other teams .
Being taken high trust by considering team target and common task as
A his own work and approaching the work with positive attitude. Conducting
coordination and communication with other teams excellently
Having positive and participative attitude for the team target and common task and
conducting coordination and communication with other teams well.
Showing participative and cooperative attitude relatively and conducting
coordination and communication with other teams acceptably
Having negative attitude for team target and making trouble with
coordination and communication with other teams frequently.

1st Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

2nd Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

▶ Overall Patra SK Value Evaluation

1st Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
2nd Evaluator S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

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Evaluatee Evaluator

Overall Evaluation
■ Overall Evaluation (By Evaluator)
• Evaluator should conduct Overall Evaluation referring to periodic individual Performance and
individual compliance with Patra SK values and carry out 2 ways interview with employee/
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
1st Patra SK Value
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
Evaluator Evaluation
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
2nd Patra SK Value
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
Evaluator Evaluation
S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』
Reviewer S 『○』 A 『○』 B 『○』 C 『○』 D 『○』

※ Corporate Guideline

Guideline 10% 40% 45% 5%

※ If there is “S” grade, “C/D” grade should be included.

▶ Strength / Weakness Analysis


2 Evalua-


• Do you have an interview with evaluator for evaluation process and procedure?
○ Yes ○ No
of • Do you agree with evaluation result ?
○ Yes ○ No ( 『 Describe the reason : 』)

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