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Key concept 1.

Strategic thinkers have the ability to use the left

(logical) and right (creative) sides of their brain.
This skill takes practice as well as confidence and
can be tremendously valuable.
Key concept 2.

Strategic thinkers have the ability to develop a

clearly defined and focused business vision and
personal vision. They have both skills and they
use them to complement each other.
Key concept 3.

Strategic thinkers have the ability to clearly define

their objectives and develop a strategic action
plan with each objective broken down into tasks
and each task having a list of needed resources
and a specific timeline.
Key concept 4.

Strategic thinkers have the ability to design

flexibility into their plans by creating some
benchmarks in their thinking to review progress.
Key concept 5.

Great strategic thinkers will listen, hear and

understand what is said and will read and observe
whatever they can so that they will have very
helpful and strategic information to guide them.
Key concept 6.

Great strategic thinkers are committed lifelong

learners and learn from each of their experiences.
They use their experiences to enable them to
think better on strategic issues.
Key concept 7.

The best and greatest strategic thinkers take time

out for themselves. Their time out may be in the
form of a retreat, a walk in a special environment,
Key concept 8.

The best and greatest strategic thinkers are

committed to and seek advice from others.
They may use a coach, a mentor, a peer advisory
group or some other group that they can confide
in and offer up ideas for feedback.
Key concept 9.

Strategic thinkers have the ability to be patient

and to not rush to conclusions and judgments.
Great ideas and thoughts require time to develop
into great successes in the future to reach your
defined vision.
04_Vision, Mission, Values
The Mission.

The mission represents what the organization

wishes to achieve. It should be a broad statement
of intention, setting out an organization’s purpose
and direction. It should
be oriented to particular markets and customers.
A reference point for managers and employees.
04_Vision, Mission, Values
The Vision.

The vision sets out an organization’s future.

It is a short statement about what an organization
wants to become, giving a shape and a direction to
its future. Samsung: „Inspire the World”.

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