Копия ENGL120 Use of English 1-2 - the Best Life Diet

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The Best Life Diet

Who Invented This Diet?
Name: George Krucik

Other Details About Inventor: written by Kimberly Holland

Phase 1
Slice up some watermelon
Watermelon is high in lycopene, a nutrient known for its cancer- and heart-
disease-fighting benefits. Store it at room temperature, because research from
the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that watermelons
produce more lycopene at room temperature than when they are chilled.
Phase 2
Cram some cranberries
The humble North American cranberry, known best as a natural way to prevent
urinary tract infections, may also help you live longer. Studies in fruit flies show
that the tiny berry can increase longevity.
Phase 3
Eat as the Okinawans do
People who live in Okinawa, the southernmost part of Japan, are known for
their extra-long life spans and low risk for age-related diseases. Research
suggests much of their long-life success is due to a healthy lifestyle, namely
their diet. Okinawans eat fewer calories than most other cultures, but their diet
is very nutritionally dense. In particular, they eat a lot of protein-rich tofu (which
may help prevent breast cancer and heart disease) and beta-carotene- and
vitamin C-rich sweet potatoes.

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