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■ SPI 0807.5.2 Analyze structural, behavioral, and

physiological adaptations to predict which populations are
likely to survive in a particular environment
■ SPI 0807.5.3 Analyze data on levels of variation within a
population to make predictions about survival under
particular environmental conditions.

I can:
■ Identify an adaptation as structural, behavioral, or
■ Explain how an adaptation helps an organism survive in a
particular environment.
■ Guided Notes
■ WB Questions
■ Independent Work Time!
Types of Adaptation
■ Anything that helps an organism survive in
its environment 
■ Adaptations are inherited from their parents
■ It also refers to the ability of living things to
adjust to different conditions within their
■ Structural adaptation
■ Behavioral adaptations
■ Physiological adaptations

I can identify an adaptation as structural, behavioral, or physiological.

Structural adaptations
■ A structural adaptation involves
some part of an organism's body.
■ Teeth
■ Body coverings
■ Shells
■ Quills
■ Scales  
■ Camouflage
■ Mimicry
I can identify an adaptation as structural, behavioral, or physiological.
Example of Adaptation
■ The shape of an
animal’s teeth is
related to its diet.
■ Herbivores, such as
deer, have many
molars for chewing
tough grass and
■ Carnivores, such as
lions, have sharp
canines to kill and tear
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular environment.
■ Camouflage allows
an animal to blend
into its environment. 
■ Makes it hard for
enemies to single out

I can explain how an adaptation helps

an organism survive in a particular
■ Mimicry allows one
animal to look,
sound, or act like
another animal to fool
predators into
thinking it is
poisonous or

I can explain how an

adaptation helps an
organism survive in a
particular environment.
I can explain how an adaptation helps an organism survive in a particular environment.

Plant Adaptations
■ Vascular-stems
■ Root systems
■ Thorns
■ Leave type
■ Broad:absorb more
■ Small needle-like:
reduce water loss
■ Waxy: reduce water
loss, protect from
■ Poisonous/toxins
Behavioral adaptations
■ Behavior adaptations
include activities or
behaviors that help an
animal survive. 
1. Innate
2. Learned
3. Survival
4. Seasonal

I can identify an adaptation as structural,

behavioral, or physiological.
Innate vs. Learned
Innate Learned
■ Inherited through the ■ Learned from
genes experience or from
■ Examples observing other
■ Flying for bees, birds animals
■ Swimming for fish ■ Examples
■ Walking for humans ■ Type of language
■ Speaking for humans spoken for humans
■ Riding a bicycle
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular
Survival Behavior
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular
1. Finding food environment.
■ Predator-Prey adaptations
■ Predator-animals that eat other animals
■ Prey-animal being eaten
2. Marking Territory
■ Way that animals inform other animals that an area is
3. Defensive Action
■ Protect resources, themselves, food, mates, offspring
4. Courtship
■ Behaviors used to find a mate
5. Parenting
■ Depend on parents for survival
I can explain how an adaptation helps an organism survive in a particular
Animal Defense
■ Some animals use these
methods of defense to
protect themselves:
■ Camouflage
■ Snake
■ Mimicry
■ Mexican Milk Snake
■ Bright colors
■ Skunk and Poison
Arrow Frog
■ “Hair” projections
■ Hedgehog quills
■ Deer Antlers
Seasonal Behavior
■ Help organisms adapt to the
4.Biological Clock
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular
■ Adaptation that ■ Animals migrate for
involves an animal or different reasons. 
group of animals
moving from one ■ better climate
region to another and ■ better food
then back again.  ■ safe place to live
■ safe place to raise young
■ go back to the place they
were born.

I can explain how an adaptation helps an

organism survive in a particular
I can explain how an adaptation helps an organism survive in a particular

■ Period of inactivity in which animal’s body
temp., heart rate, and breathing rate slow
down to conserve energy.
■ Bats, woodchucks & bears.
I can explain how an adaptation helps an organism survive in a particular environment.

■ Period of inactivity in the summer
■ hot, dry places
■ Snakes, lizards, frogs, toads
Biological Clock
■ Internal control of animal’s natural

I can explain how an adaptation helps an

organism survive in a particular
Physiological Adaptations
■ Behaviors controlled by the brain
■ Reflexes
■ Blinking
■ Pain
■ Swallowing
■ Tolerance to a certain poison
■ Logical thinking

I can identify an adaptation as structural, behavioral, or physiological.


■ warm-blooded
■ All have some type of
■ Some are very
specialized, such as
white polar bear fur
■ Care for young

I can explain how an adaptation helps an

organism survive in a particular

■ Leg Length
■ Roseate Spoonbill
(top right)
■ Foot Webbing
■ Laughing Gull (top
■ Beak Shape
■ Long Billed Curlew
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular

■ cold- blooded
■ Scales
■ Some undergo
hibernation and
■ Lay eggs on land
■ Leg structure and
I can explain how an adaptation
helps an organism survive in a
particular environment.

■ Cold-blooded
■ Lay eggs in water
■ Partially of fully
webbed feet
■ Have lungs or can
absorb oxygen through
their skin
I can explain how an adaptation helps an
organism survive in a particular
WB Questions
■ Don’t use notes
■ Treat materials
with respect
■ 3, 2, 1, UP!
Question 1
■ This group of penguins huddle
together to keep warm during a
winter storm. What type of
adaptation is this?
Answer 1
■ Behavioral adaptation
Question 2
■ This gecko blends into it’s
environment. What is this called and
what type of adaptation is this?
Answer 2
■ Camouflage
■ Structural adapation
Question 3
■ ________________ is inherited
through genes.
Answer 3
■ INNATE BEHAVIOR is inherited
through genes.
■ Which of the following is not an
example of animal defense?
a. Hedgehog quills
b. A skunk spraying its funk
c. Riding a bicycle
d. A frog that camouflages with a leaf
Answer 4
■ Which of the following is not an
example of animal defense?
a. Hedgehog quills
b. A skunk spraying its funk
c. Riding a bicycle – a learned
d. A frog that camouflages with a leaf
Question 5
■ __________ allows one animal to
look, sound, or act like another
animal to fool predators into thinking
it’s poisonous or dangerous.
Answer 5
■ Mimicry allows one animal to look,
sound, or act like another animal to
fool predators into thinking it’s
poisonous or dangerous.
Question 6
■ Which of the following is NOT
seasonal behavior?
a. Migration
b. Hibernation
c. Biological clock
d. Marking territory
Answer 6
■ Which of the following is NOT
seasonal behavior?
a. Migration
b. Hibernation
c. Biological clock
d. Marking territory- survival
Question 7
■ What type of animal is cold-blooded,
lays eggs in water, has lungs but can
also absorb oxygen through their
Answer 7
■ Amphibians
Question 8
■ What kind of animal is warm-
blooded, care for their young, and
has some type of hair?
Answer 8
■ Mammals
Question 9
■ Behaviors used to find a mate is an
example of _____________
Answer 9
■ Behaviors used to find a mate is an
example of SURVIVAL behavior.
■ What are the 3 types of adaptation?
Answer 10
1. Structural adaptation
2. Behavioral adaptation
3. Physiological adaptation
Natural Selection
Population Changes
Over Time
■ Guided Notes with interactive beaks
■ Brain pop with WB Questions
■ Independent Work Time!
■ SPI 0807.5.2 Analyze structural, behavioral, and
physiological adaptations to predict which populations are
likely to survive in a particular environment
■ SPI 0807.5.3 Analyze data on levels of variation within a
population to make predictions about survival under
particular environmental conditions.

I can:
■ Explain how genetic variations within a population help an
organism survive longer.
Natural Selection
■ The process by which individuals are
better adapted to their environment
■ “Survival of the Fittest”
■ The fittest survive to pass on their
traits to the next generation.
■ Examples:
■ Insecticide resistance
■ Speciation
I can explain how genetic
■ Galapagos finches variations within a population
help an organism survive longer.
I can explain how genetic
variations within a
population help an
organism survive longer.
I can explain how genetic
variations within a population
help an organism survive longer.

Insecticide Resistance Speciation

Genetic Variation
■ Differences that
exist naturally
among the
members of a
■ Some traits are
better suited than
others to survive in
their environment
I can explain how genetic
variations within a population
help an organism survive longer.
Changes in Genetic
■ In order for natural selection to continue,
individuals within the population must be
■ Over time, the population will be made up
of more individuals with characteristics
that help them survive.
■ If a population decreases rapidly, a
genetic bottleneck occurs. Many
characteristics may be lost entirely form a
population because all of the individuals
with those characteristics died.
I can explain how genetic
variations within a population
help an organism survive longer.
Bird Beak adaptations

■ Draw the beaks for each of these bird types

■ Think of the types of beaks they have and how they help these birds to survive!
Brain pop and WB
Independent Work Time
■ Study Vocab (quiz tomorrow)
■ Complete Section Reviews (due 4/7):
■ 3-3 #1-10
■ 3-4 #2-10
■ Chapter review (pg. 92) #3-5, 8-9, 11-
14, 18-19, 21-22

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