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Curriculum Evaluation

Learning Assesment
Joy Anne Buenaobra
Assessment of learning is an
evaluation process that tells whether
the intended learning outcomes,
through the learning process, have
been converted into achieved
learning outcomes.
Our country has established the Philippine
Qualification Framework (PQF) as a
standard which will be aligned to the
ASEAN Reference Qualification
Framework (ARQF) for the comparability
of the learning outcomes at the different
levels of educational ladder.
The Philippine Educational System is divided into
8 levels. In each level, the learners are expected to
achieve specific standards and competencies of
the learning outcomes. The 8 levels of complexity
of learning outcomes are based on 3 domains.

Ø Knowledge, Skills and Values

Ø Application
Ø Responsibility- degree of independence
Level 1 (Grade 11) Level 2 (Grade 12)
Competencies Competencies
Knowledge, Skills, Possess foundational Possess functional knowledge
across range of learning areas and
and Values knowledge across learning technical skills in chosen career
areas with core competencies tracks with advanced competencies.

Apply foundational
Apply functional knowledge,
knowledge, skills and values
Application in academic and real life
technical skills and values in
academic and real life situations

Apply skills in limited

Degree of Apply skills in varied situations with
situations with close minimal supervision.
Independence supervision.
Baccalaureate Degree Master’s Degree Doctorate Degree
Domains Competencies Competencies Competencies

Knowledge, Broad, deep, specific Generates new knowledge,

Broad and coherent knowledge
knowledge in the field of skills with established
Skills, and Values in the field of discipline
discipline. values in the discipline.

Apply in professional work

Apply in professional work and
Application Apply in professional work. and research as a leader or

Highly independent in
Degree of Work independently alone or in
Work independently. work, can lead and initiate
Independence others.
Knowledge, Process,
Understanding, Performance
(KPUP)- Levels of Learning
Knowledge, Process, Understanding,
Performance reflect different learning
outcomes that are arranged in hierarchy of
complexity. Knowledge being the basic
level of learning outcomes and
Performance being the advanced level of
learning outcomes.
Description of Guide Questions
Learning Learning for Teachers

KNOWLEDGE: What do you

Factual want your
knowledge, students to know
Level 1 conceptual in terms of facts,
knowledge, concepts,
procedural procedures and
knowledge, multiple
metacognition thinking?
Description of Guide Questions
Learning Learning for Teachers

Skills that the
students use What do you
Level 2 based on facts want your
and information students to do?
for making
meaning and
Description of Guide
Learning Learning Outcomes Questions for


Level 3 G: want your
Big ideas or students to
concepts understand?
Learning Description of Guide Questions
Learning Outcomes for Teachers

PRODUCT/ Can you place

PERFORMANCE: in a portfolio all
What products the evidence to
Level 4 (material, tangible) or show your
performance (oral, learning
visual, written, etc.) outcome?
as evidence of
Types of Tests to
Knowledge, Process
and Understanding
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process
and Understanding

1.Objective Tests.
Require only one and one
correct answer. It is difficult to
construct but easy to check.
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and

1.1. Pencil-and-Paper Test.

Written on paper and
requires a pencil to write.
However, with the modern
times, a pencil-and-paper test
can also be translated to an
electronic version which makes
the test “paperless”.
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and

1.0.1 Simple Recall.

The most common tool to
measure knowledge. There are
varieties of Simple Recall Test to
Fill in the Blanks, Enumeration,
Identification, Simple recall
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and

1.1.2 Alternative Response Test.

Type of pencil and pencil test,
where 2 options or choices are provided.
The items can be stated in a question or
a statement form.
Examples of these are:
vTrue or False
vYes or No
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and
Direct Question:
1.1.3. Multiple Choice Test.
What is NOT a member of ASEAN 2015
It consists of a problem and a list Economic Community?
of suggested solutions. a. Vietnam c. Malaysia
Correct Answer Type. b. Korea d. Philippines
Other alternatives are clearly wrong Incomplete Sentence:
and only one is the correct answer. This A country in Southeast Asia which is not a
can be constructed in either direct member of the ASEAN 2015 economic
question or completion of the sentence. community is
a. Vietnam c. Malaysia
b. Korea d. Philippines
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and
Direct Question:
What do progressive educators consider as the
most important factor in the teaching-
learning process?
Best Answer Type. a. Teacher c. Books
All the alternatives are b.Learner d. Principal

correct but only one is the Incomplete Sentence:

According to progressive educator, the most
best. important factor in the teaching- learning
process is
a. Teacher c. Books
b. Learner d. Principal
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and
Relationships That Can Be Used in Matching Type Test

Persons Achievements
1.1.4 Matching Type.
Common matching type test is Dates Historical Events

made up of two parallel columns, the

Terms Definitions
first column (A) is the premise that
presents the problem, and the second Principles Illustrations
column (B) provides the answer.
Parts Functions

Machines Uses

Diseases Causes
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and

1.2 Subjective Test.

Answers through
reflections, insights and
opinion can be given essay.
Types of Tests to Measure Knowledge, Process and

1.2.1. Essay.
Test items allow students
freedom of response. Students
are free to select, relate, and
present ideas in their own
Types of Essay that Measure Complex Learning
Examples of Complex Outcomes that can be
Type of Essay Test Item

Ability to:
•Explain cause and effect relationships
•Describe application of principles
Restricted Response Essay Items
•Formulate valid conclusion
•Enumerate and explain
•Explain, methods and procedure

Ability to:
•Organize ideas
Extended Response Essay Items •Integrate learning
•Design an experiment
•Evaluate the worth of ideas
Authentic evaluation is a test that measures
real life tasks, performances and actual
products. The most common of the authentic
assessments are the performance assessment
and the use of portfolio.
Performance Assessment Tools
Consists of a list of qualities
that are expected to be observed as
present or absent. The presence is to
be marked check and the absence is
marked cross.
Performance Assessment Tools
2.Rating Scale
Uses a scale in a number line as
a basis to estimate the numerical
value of a performance or a product.
2. Rating Scale (Example)
Performance Assessment Tools
3.Rubrics for Portfolio
A portfolio is a compilation of
the experiences as authentic
learning outcomes presented with
evidence and reflections. Rubric is
3. Rubrics for Portfolio (Example)
Criteria Description and Numerical Value

1 2 3 4 5

Less Has 60- Has 75-

Less 59% Has 90-
Contents than 74% of 89% of
of the 100%
of 40% the the
needed needed
Portfolio needed needed needed
content entries
entries content content

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