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 Indigenous culture: Văn hoá bản địa = Local culture: Văn hoá địa phương 

# Exotic culture: Văn hoá nước ngoài xâm nhập vào, văn hoá ngoại lai ==> indigenous people 
e.g: Some indigenous people have a very long continuous history.
 Time-honoured culture/ Long-standing culture: Nền văn hoá lâu đời = Deep-rooted culture: Văn hoá bám sâu
vào cội rễ # Contemporary culture / modern culture: Văn hoá đương đại --> To be well-preserved /´welpri
´zə:vd/ - Được giữ gìn, bảo tồn tốt 
e.g: Thanks to rapid advancement in the field of archaeology and monument preservations, most of the historical
edifices of Athens are very well preserved.
 Folk culture: Văn hoá dân gian /foʊk kʌltʃər/  
 Ví dụ: The Vietnamese folk culture has always evolved on the basis of the wet rice civilization. Thus,
the lifestyle of the Vietnamese population is closely related to its village and native lands.
 A diversified culture: Nền văn hoá đa dạng --> cultural diversity: sự đa dạng văn hóa          --
> Cultural richness/ Cultural diversity: Sự đa dạng văn hoá ==> travel to other countries for
experiencing culture diversity: đi du lịch nước ngoài để trải nghiệm sự đa dạng văn hóa
 ethnic groups.
 Family and clan
 long-stretched Culture
 A driving force of socio-economic development
 exhibits great diversity

 a rich tradition of dance and music

 folk literature
 Martial art

 Performing arts

 Water puppetry
 Cultural heritages
 Tangible cultural heritages
 Intangible cultural heritages: Hue’s royal court music,
Ca Tru – Ceremonial singing

 Natural heritages

 Indigenous Culture

 absorbed European influences 

 Integration
 Cultural identity

Egg Coffee – an Unique Culture of Hanoi.

 To be conscious of this history and take the legacy of past events very seriously

 ancestor veneration and worship

 altar 

 votive paper
 Preserve and promote
 Cultural degradation: Sự xói mòn về mặt văn hoá

= The total loss of cultural identity: Sự đánh mất bản sắc văn hoá
= the loss of traditional cultures = the disappearance of traditional ways of life: sự mất đi của
các văn hóa truyền thống
 Melting-pot society / Multi-cultural society: Xã hội đa văn hoá, đa sắc tộc
 Racism: Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc /ˈ
 The United States government implemented a number of laws to ensure racism no longer affects
society. However, it still remains in many segments of the population in crime, job discrimination and
especially education.
 Race conflict: Xung đột sắc tộc /reɪs kɑːnflɪkt/ --> lead to tension and conflict: dẫn tới căng thẳng
và xung đột
 Racial conflicts have become the serious challenge of many Companies in America. To deal with
racial conflict in the workplace, companies need to confront perceptions of racism; rather than
ignore or pretend it doesn’t happen.

What is the most important festival in your country?

What is the most custom of ur country?
Do you think festival will still be as important in the future?
Tell me how weddings are celebrated in your country.
What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?
 IELTS Speaking Part 2: 'foreign culture' topic

Describe a foreign culture that you like. You should say

 what culture it is and how you know about it
 what differences there are between that culture and your own
 and why you like that foreign culture.

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