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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Portfolio in

ENGLIS 1st Quarter

H Raphael M. Fajardo>
10 – Franklin (S2)

Anna Kristel G. Cuevas

Subject Teacher
Summary Sheet
Written Works Title Actual Perfect
1 News Article 19 20
2 Textual Aids 18 20
3 Parts of a Story 19 20
4 Sources of Information 19 20
5 Listening to a Speech 11 20

__________________ ___________________________ ______________

Student’s Signature Parent’s Name and Signature Date of Receipt
I. Introduction
This Electronic Portfolio showcases my compiled Written Works and Performance Tasks
of the First Quarter for this School Year. These activities will present my state or level of
understanding in my studies and lessons. It is also for my instructors to assess my perspective as
a student. This portfolio also presents my General Reflection about my significant learning
experiences throughout the whole quarter. It is expected for me to not only use these learnings
for the next quarter but also for my everyday lives.

For this quarter, we tackled different topics, from creating speeches to evaluating texts. And
honestly, It was fun, particularly in exploring lessons and expanding my knowledge. The
experience was a ride, from reading and reviewing the modules to answering each activity, and
even in performing the tasks. Although there are bumps in the road or massive boulders rather, it
was still a joy of a ride to go through. However, acknowledging these stresses correlates to the
value of the learnings after these tasks, which is why you need to keep going because that's what
we're going to discuss later.
II. Compilation of Activities
Written Works
WW1 – Present
WW2 – Present
WW3 – Present
WW4 – Present
WW5 – Present
WW6 – Not Returned
WW7 – Not Returned
WW8 – Not Returned
III. Reflection
As I’ve said earlier, the process or my whole experience this quarter was quite fun. Starting
from reading the modules and knowing the task that we are supposed to do. However, fear will
always be present especially in this kind of situation. I always get overwhelmed when I receive the
task initially, I doubt my skills and see each task as big mountains that block my path. And my
fault was I let it get out of hand, which made me turn around from them. 

Although it was stressful, it was still amazing to witness my progress as I continued picking up
myself everyday. The process of getting consumed by fears then understanding that I just have to
soar through. From planning and brainstorming to executing and finalizing, it is wonderful to
know in the end that I conquered what I thought my limits were. I am aware that every moment
was not completely joyful or fine, because everything was not easy, and I don’t know if it was
completely worth it but all I need to know is I am done.

I have learned and am still learning to go through my blockages no matter what, in what way it
may be. That running away from this will only put me back from where I came from, or point zero.
Because I realized that it will always be there, it will never move or adjust for me. It is just on me
if I want to bring the fears and overthinking to poison me in my journey through every mountain.
And that my patience, passion, and inspiration for myself and what I do to go through everything
is the most important of all.
IV. Conclusion
Just like in the Introduction, I can honestly say that this quarter was really a ride, a ride of
feelings, intellect, and stress. But looking back through this Portfolio, it was nice to know that I
did my best and much more with the time, skills, knowledge, and inspiration that I had. Knowing
that I finished or even if I haven’t, knowing that I still am soaring through no matter what. And I
am grateful for that, everything good that has happened to me and also bad. I wish to not only keep
the written or book lessons, but also the real life learnings I got from every activity.

For me, my best output is our Performance Task 1. I believe that this particular activity is where I
put most of myself into. I believe that I gave what I could and even what was out of my reach.
Even though there were rough times, rather each time was hard, it was quite an experience. I think
what was really important is that I experienced a memorable and valuable learning process
because of the issues I went through with this.

On the last note, I will definitely cherish all my moments from this quarter, all my ups and downs.
Every lesson that I went through a long experience and process for. I’ll take all of these to my next
journey in the Second Quarter. I hope that I go through that better than I did this quarter. And I
really hope that I enjoy my time in whatever we are going to do during that period.

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