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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Portfolio in

2nd Quarter

Raphael M. Fajardo (S2)

10 – Franklin

Anna Kristel G. Cuevas

English Teacher
Written Works

WW TItle Actual total

1 - 20

2 - 20

3 - 20

4 Debate 20

Fact, Opinion or
5 20

6 Public Speaking 20

7 Multimodal Texts 20


______________________ Renelyn Mari-Fajardo

__ Parent’s Name & Signature
Student’s Signature

Performance Tasks
PT TItle Total
1 Argumentative Text 100

Fact, Opinion,
2 Assertion and 100

3 Debate 100

4 Portfolio 100

This Electronic Portfolio showcases my compiled Written
Works and Performance Tasks of the First Quarter for this School
Year. These activities will present my state or level of
understanding in my studies and lessons. It is also for my
instructors to assess my perspective as a student. This portfolio
also presents my General Reflection about my significant learning
experiences throughout the whole quarter. It is expected for me to
not only use these learnings for the next quarter but also for my
everyday lives.

We discussed a lot of fun and essential topics this quarter about

different types, elements, and presentation of literature. We started
with Argumentative texts and its language features with the use of
modals, writing one for our first performance task. Next topic is
about formulating claims of fact, value, and policy in determining
or presenting the message of our statements. Following is all about
fact, opinion, and assertion, discussing their differences and use in
texts, both lessons required in accomplishing our second
performance task. The third performance task required for the
knowledge of the roles, rules, position, and parts in debate. We
topped this quarter in tackling presentation of information such as
in public speaking and multimodal texts. More of my significant
experiences and difficulties about these lessons will be shared in
the following pages.
Written Works
Activities 4 - 7

Activity 4

Activity 5

Written Works
Activities 4 - 7

Activity 6

Activity 7

Written Works
Performance Tasks
Performance Task

Performance Tasks

My experiences this quarter have been chaotic and messy,

mainly my fault and accountability. It started out rough due to the
rush and completion of my tasks in the previous quarter. While
there was enough time to catch up with my lessons, my
irresponsibility still prevailed. My main difficulty in learning this
quarter beside my personal issues is the unhelpfulness of the
given modules and at times the lack of additional materials. While
I’m glad that we were given additional presentations, there were
still some that lacked deeper discussion of topics.

To further expand, materials provided for us were less than in

other sections or classes. And the basic modules only touched the
surface of the lessons, making it harder to accomplish the
activities. Also sometimes, the only similarities between the
assessments and materials are the title, lacking any useful
information to understand the topics. Overcoming these took
many hours and frustration, keeping in mind that this happens
most of the weeks. Researching for accurate information and
asking for friends' additional materials truly helped me with this

This quarter, I realized that there were problems or things that are
just the way they are, and differentiating it from others makes it
easier to accept and overcome. And as cliche as it may seem, I
also realized that the power of friendship and relationships are
really powerful in getting help for problems. But still, trying to
soar by myself trains accountability and control over
responsibilities. All reflections are useful not only in overcoming
this quarter’s difficulties but they are also very applicable in real
Best Output

Performance Task 2

Performance Task #2 is my best output.

Other than it being the only task I have
accomplished as of the moment, I truly
think that it is my best output because I
did my best with the time and materials I
had. I honestly appreciate the entirety of
the output and how I answered it, which
makes it my best output.
This quarter has been a prolonged period due to the different activities
and breaks that occurred. But it is still sad that I didn’t take the opportunity
to better myself and catch up with my learnings. While there are learning
and performing difficulties, I must admit that personal setbacks hindered my
second quarter’s process more in accomplishing our requirements. I hold
myself accountable for lacking discipline and self-control most of the time,
and as I’ve said earlier, my chosen modality truly requires a lot of
discipline. This gives me the responsibility to develop my drive and
willpower to put in the work and the hours, yet I ignored them in exchange
for temporary pleasure. 

However, making this portfolio made me realize these issues and that I also
haven’t actually learned from my mistakes last quarter. It is such a
wonderful experience to look back and reflect about this past quarter, and to
learn where I improved or slacked at. Through this portfolio, I also realized
the different learning and performing processes I had with the expanded
time of this quarter. Personally, these realizations helped me to not fall down
deeper in my own sinkhole. These learnings and reflection concludes the
significance of creating this portfolio because they served and helped me
well in accomplishing this quarter.

I am very grateful for my experiences this quarter, even with the darkest
times. Also with my lessons from our modules and personal learnings. I
hope to not only cherish and keep these but also apply them properly and
accordingly in whatever circumstances may come. I expect to use these
realizations to develop myself and personal dynamics more so that I can do
better in any aspects of my life, especially in learning. With this quarter
ending, I expect the best version of myself in the next quarter so that I can
do and be the best in anything that comes.
“But Still Try,
For Who Knows What
is POssible?”
- Michael Faraday

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