Cognitive and Social Development

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Understanding the Cognitive and Social Development of Children

Presented By: Brett Patterson, M.A. & Steve Sternlof, M.S.

Goals of This Presentation

Provide a brief overview of two prominent theories on cognitive and social development. Discuss parenting strategies that emphasize importance of developmental stages.

Important Factors That Impact the Developing Child

Biological Development Environmental Influences

Biological Development
Children are not miniature versions of an adult. A childs abilities coincide with with the development of his/her central nervous system (CNS), particularly the brain. This co-development with the CNS often becomes more easily overlooked as the child gets older.

Environmental Influences
Those with primary child-rearing responsibilities are most likely to maximize learning capabilities. Understand the balance between developmental limits and parental expectations (i.e. 2 year-old children cannot be taught how to read, but their language development can be enhanced by reading to them).

Remember, normal development is not necessarily an age specific event, but instead occurs within a range that can differ from child to child.

Cognitive Development
Primary Components of Jean Piagets 4-stage Model

Four Major Stages of Cognitive Development

1. 2. 3. 4. Sensorimotor (0-2 years) Preoperational (2-7 years) Concrete Operations (7-11 years) Formal Operations (12+ years)

Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 years)

Infants world consists of the immediate environment Interact and learn by sensory input (hearing, feeling, seeing) with motor capabilities. Gradually learn to control their own bodies and objects in the external world. The ultimate task at this stage is to achieve the sense that objects go on existing even when we cannot see them (Object Constancy/Permanence).

Preoperational Stage (2-6/7 years)

Developing ability to manipulate images and symbols, especially language. Play becomes key in learning. Begin to see use of symbolism in pretend play (e.g. Use a broomstick as a horsey) Childs view of the world is egocentric. Logical organization of thoughts remains undeveloped (e.g. unable to apply principles of conservation)

Concrete Operations (6/7-12 Years)

Perform logical operations, but only in relation to concrete objects, not abstract ideas. Basic math skills developed (counting, addition, subtraction) as well as an understanding of conservation. Can sort items into categories, reverse the direction of their thinking, and think about two concepts simultaneously. Able to understand a situation from another persons perspective.

Begin to think logically and abstractly, including speculations about what might happen in the future. Theoretical, philosophical, and scientific reasoning becomes possible Abstract concepts and moral values become as important as concrete objects. With these newly developed thinking abilities, adolescents begin to reinterpret and revise their knowledge base.

Formal Operations (12+ years)

Psychosocial Development
Erik Eriksons Childhood Stages of Conflict

Trust Vs. Mistrust (0-1 Year)

Description: Infants depend on others to meet their basic needs, and therefore must be able to blindly trust the caregivers to provide them. Positive outcome: If their needs are met consistently and responsively, infants will learn to trust their environment and people in it. Negative outcome: If needs are not responsibly met, infant may view world as a dangerous and unreliable place.

Autonomy Vs. Shame/Doubt (1-2 Years)

Description: Toddlers learn to explore and do things for themselves. Their self-control and selfconfidence begin to develop at this stage. Positive outcome: If child is encouraged to explore and reassured when mistakes are made, he/she will develop confidence needed to cope with future situations that require choice, control, and independence. Negative outcome: If parents are overprotective or extremely critical, child may feel ashamed of behaviors and doubt his/her abilities and.

Description: Children begin to interact with environment in more adult like manner as motor and language skills develop. They learn to maintain an eagerness for adventure and play, while learning to control impulsive behavior. Positive outcome: If parents are encouraging, but consistent in discipline, children will learn to accept concept of right/wrong without guilt, and not feel shame when using their imagination and engaging in fantasy play. Negative outcome: If not, children may develop a sense of guilt and may come to believe that it is wrong to be independent.

Initiative Vs. Guilt (2-6 Years)

Competence/Industry Vs. Inferiority (6-12 Years)

Description: School is the important event at this stage. Children learn to master basic social and academic skills. Peers become the key social agent and children begin to compare themselves with others outside of the family. Positive outcome: If children can find pleasure in learning, being productive, and seeking success, they will develop a sense of competence. Negative outcome: If not, they will develop feelings of inferiority.

Identity Vs. Role Confusion (12-20 Years)

Description: This is the crossroad between childhood and maturity when adolescents ask "Who am I?" The key social agent is the persons society of peers. Positive outcome: Adolescents who solve this conflict successfully will develop a strong identity, and will be ready to plan for the future. Negative outcome: If not, the adolescent will sink into confusion, unable to make decisions and choices about his/her role in life.

Putting It All Together

0-1 1-2 2-6 6-7 7-12 1220+

Sensorimotor Sensorimotor Preoperational Preoperational /Concrete Concrete Operations Formal Operations

Trust vs Mistrust Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt Initiative vs Guilt Initiative vs Guilt Competence/Industry vs Inferiority Identity vs Role Confusion

Birth-1 Year of Age

Sensorimotor Trust Vs Mistrust Interacts and learns by Infants depend on sensory and motor caregivers to respond experiences. to their sensorimotor communications and Begins learning to meet their basic needs control body and use it to obtain needs. Early stage learning of object permanence (mother).

Ages 1-2
Sensorimotor Autonomy Vs. Shame/Doubt Still interacts and learns by sensory and Toddlers learn to motor experiences, explore and do things but is more efficient for themselves. Their at doing so. self-control and selfconfidence begin to The ability to walk develop at this stage. allows child to expand his/her sensory world.

Ages 2-6/7

Preoperational Language development is prominent. Fantasy/imaginary play becomes key in learning about and expressing their understanding of the world. Childs view of the world is egocentric. Formal logic is not a part of their thinking.

Initiative Vs Guilt Children begin to interact with environment using motor and language skills. Impulse control is initiated by external structure. Guilt can often stem from an egocentric understanding of the world around them.

Ages 6/7-12
Concrete Operations Perform logical operations (i.e. basic math skills, categorical, thinking), but only in relation to concrete objects, not abstract ideas. Able to understand a situation from another persons perspective. Competence Vs Inferiority School is a central part of life at this stage. Children learn to master basic social and academic skills. Peers are the key social agent and they begin to compare themselves to other children.

Ages 12-20
Formal Operations Abstract, theoretical, philosophical, and scientific reasoning becomes possible. Long term cause and effect speculations begin to occur. Adolescents begin to question, reinterpret and revise their previous knowledge base.

Identity Vs Role Confusion Adolescents begin to ask the question, "Who am I?" The adolescent typically relies on his/her society of peers to help resolve the inner conflicts.

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