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Properties of

Polar and
Polarity (polar, Bonding
NON-POLAR (covalent, ionic)
negative, neutral)
Define solubility and saturation types
Identify the factors affecting
solubility of solutes in a solvent
Verbalize the significance and
application of solubility in our daily lives
Solubility is the degree to which a substance
dissolves in a solvent to make a solution (usually
expressed as grams of solute per litre of solvent)

Solubility is defined as the maximum amount of

a substance (solute) that will dissolve in a given
amount of solvent at a specified temperature. (
• Solubility is the ability
of a substance, the
solute, to form a
solution with another
substance, the solvent.
• The partial positive and
negative charges of water
allow it to disrupt the
structure and
configuration of many
other molecules, such as
• Water's ability to disrupt molecular structures
makes it a valuable tool for organisms at the
cellular level. Water's polarity allows it to carry
many molecules into and out of cells. Blood is a
great example. If the majority of our blood was
not water, it couldn't carry all of the red blood
cells, white blood cells, sugars, and oxygen
around our body that we need to function.
Types of Saturation
• An unsaturated solution is a solution that contains less
than the maximum amount of solute that is capable of
being dissolved.
• A saturated solution is a solution that contains the
maximum amount of solute that is capable of dissolving.
• A supersaturated solution is a solution that contains an
amount of a substance greater than that required for
Types of Saturation
Activity Time

•The purpose of this activity if for us to

discover and identify the different factors
affecting the solubility of solutes in
Group Activity!

cold water stirrer
tap water 3 transparent basins/group
hot watertimer
salt (iodized and table salt)
Please be careful in
handling hot water to
avoid skin burning or any
untoward incidents!
1.All groups will perform the experiments using the materials
that they have.
2.Each group will have a copy of the steps to follow.
3.All the group members will help in completing the table
and interpreting the data gathered. Results are to be written
in the activity sheets given and in the Manila paper.
4.All groups must finish the activity within 10 minutes.
5.Results must be presented by the representatives of each
Experiment #1
1. Prepare 3 transparent
basins. Add 250 ml of water
(hot, cold, and tap) in each
basin and then put 1/2 tsp of
iodized salt and let it sit there
without stirring.
2. Time the dissolution
process using the timer.
3. Record the time (in s) it
took for the salt to dissolve.
Experiment #2:

1. Prepare 2 basins. Add 250 ml of tap water in each

basin. Next, add 1/2 tsp of table salt in each basin.
2. In basin #1, stir the mixture. In basin #2, do not
stir---just wait for the solutes to dissolve.
3. Time the dissolution process using the timer.
4. Record the time (in s) it took for the salt to
Experiment #3:

1. Prepare 2 basins. Add 250 ml of tap water in each

2. Next, add 1/2 tsp of iodized salt in basin #1 and 1/2
tsp of table salt in basin #2.
3. Stir each mixture until all solutes are dissolved.
4. Record the time (in s) it took for the salt to dissolve.
Experiment #1

Cold Tap Hot

water water Water

Experiment #2

Basin 1 Basin 2
(with iodized salt) (with table salt)

(time in s) (time in s)

Experiment #3

Basin 1 Basin 2
(with stirring) (without stirring)

(time in s) (time in s)

Write the answers directly on the activity sheets.
1. In Exp. #1, in which set-up did the solutes dissolve the fastest? The
slowest? (5)
2. In Exp. #2, in which set-up did the solutes dissolve the fastest? The
slowest? (5)
3. In Exp. #3, in which set-up did the solutes dissolve the fastest? The
slowest? (5)
4. In all 3 experiments, what factors affected the dissolution of solutes in
liquid? (5)
5. What generalization can you draw from the activity? (5)
Completeness of materials -------------15
Adherence to the procedures --------- 15
Cooperation and teamwork ------------10
Timeliness ------------------------------- 10
Relevance of answers ------------------ 25
Total: 75
3 minutes per
• ..\Videos\VidMater\Factors that Affect Solubility[720p-HD].mp4
• Stirring allows for the
homogenization of mixable
liquids and the stir-up of
solid particles in liquids.
Differences in temperature
or concentration are
balanced more efficiently
during stirring. Additionally,
the stirring of liquids speeds
up the dissolution process
and increases the speed of
chemical reactions.
The disjoining pressure
of small particles is
greater than that of
large particles, so
small particles have a
higher interfacial
• Increased temperature causes an increase in
kinetic energy. The higher kinetic energy
causes more motion in the gas molecules
which break intermolecular bonds and
escape from solution. Q. Solubility of gases
in water decreases with increase in
Importance of Solubility in Our Everyday Lives
1. Solubility is one of the important parameters to achieve the desired
concentration of drugs in systemic circulation for achieving required
pharmacological responses.
2. Solubility plays a critical role in drug effectiveness. Without it, a drug
substance cannot be absorbed, leading to low bioavailability.
3. Solubility is important to life since biomolecules of life must move from
one place to another in order for metabolic functions to occur.
4. Solubility of substances facilitates digestion and absorption of nutrients.
5. It enables formulating of more substances in chemistry.
6. To balance the taste of foods, beverages, and other foods and drinks.
Recalling of Concepts
• Why do solutes differ in the rate of solubility?
• Why would the rate of dissolution increase with an increase
in pressure?
• How does temperature affect the rate of solubility?
• How important is the concept of solubility in our daily lives?
• In what way can stirring increase the rate of solubility?
• Give concrete examples where the concept of solubility is
used or applied
1. What is solubility?
2. What are the substances involved in a solution?
3. What are the types of saturation?
4. Enumerate the factors that affect the solubility
of substances and how do they influence
5. Why is the solubility of substances important?
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