Course Outline Disrete Structures

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Course Outline

Discrete Structures
• Mathematical logic
• Sets
• Functions
• Mathematical Reasoning (Logical Reasoning)
Induction & Sequence
• Induction
• Recursion
• Sequences and Sums
• Recursive Definitions
• Recursive Algorithms
• Algorithms
• Complexity of Algorithms
• Recursive Algorithms
Counting & Probability
• Counting
• The Pigeonhole Principal
• Permutations and Combinations
• Binomial Coefficients
• Discrete Probability
• Expected Value and Variance
• Recurrence Relations
• Solving Recurrence Relations
• Divide-and-Conquer Relations
• Generating Functions
• Inclusion-Exclusion
• Relations and their Properties
• Representing Relations
• Closures of Relations
• Equivalence Relations
• Partial Ordering
• Introduction to Trees
• Applications of Trees
• Tree Traversal
• Spanning Trees
• Minimum Spanning Trees
• Introduction to Graphs
• Graph Terminology
• Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism
• Connectivity
• Euler and Hamilton Paths
• Shortest Path Problems
• Boolean Algebra
• Boolean Functions
• Representing Boolean Functions
• Logic Gates
• Minimization of Circuits
Finite State Machines
• Modeling Computation
• Languages and Grammars
• Finite-State Machines with output
• Finite-State Machines with no output
• Language Recognition

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