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Lesson 7

Learning Intentions  Success Criteria 

• Be able to complete all tasks at an above

● Gain an understanding of a valid and
satisfactory standard 
reliable website to assist people
Website Validity

How do we know if a website is valid and the information is reliable?

Organisation name and logo (proven track record of reliability and integrity),
About Us information (expertise),
Content (is it researched and current?),
Date of content,
Look of the website (professionalism) and
Beware of bias, commercial sites and anonymous authors.
Check out these websites

Research the websites listed on this slide and answer the questions on the following
Research Task
● What types of things does each support service provide

● Explain some specific programs that each support service provides

● Assess whether they support young people to effectively manage changes and transitions.

● Out of all services which do you think is the most effective support service and WHY?

● Create a support service of your own that you think would be important and beneficial for young
people.  Give your support network a name and logo.

● Consider the issues that we have looked at this term and then a platform as to how you would
promote your support service. Would it be on Instagram, Facebook, website, how would you get
teenagers to know about your support service.

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