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Controller IMO, Islamabad
MSc Innovation Management &
Kingston University, London


Induction training program for newly appointed ASPOs & ASMST Year 2021-2022
Learning Objectives
01 Understanding the basics of motivation and

02 Major need-based theories of motivation

03 Understanding the relationship between

motivation and leadership

04 Leadership styles

05 Qualities of successful leaders

1. The type of leadership that exists
2. Personal motivation

Important to look at these two concepts

as interconnected and dependent on
individual situations
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Two major influences affect how in-

dividuals perform:
What is motivation?
Motivation is defined as “the extent to which persistent effort
is directed toward a goal”

Effort Persistence
relates to the willingness
Direction Goals
must be defined in measured in terms of individual goals and
relation to its of the individual to stay how persistent effort is
with a task until it is organizational goals
appropriateness to the applied in relation to the (must be compatible)
objectives being complete goals being pursued
Types of motivation
Extrinsic Motivation
Factors in the external environment
such as pay, supervision, benefits,
and job perks

Intrinsic Motivation
Relationship between the worker
and the task
Why is motivation important?
Motivational strategies can..
Help improve employee performance

Motivational strategies can..

Reduce the chances of low employee morale and
instill a positive attitude during a challenging time

Employees with a high level of motivation..

Typically work harder and smarter and can overcome
workplace challenges with ease

To organization..
This helps the organizations reach its objectives and
improve operations overall.
Major need-based theories of motivation

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The more you move from basic
to higher-level needs, the more
motivation depends on internal

Important that organizations

present opportunities to satisfy
such needs
Major need-based theories of motivation

Opportunities for satisfaction in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The more you move from basic

to higher-level needs, the more
motivation depends on internal

Important that organizations

present opportunities to satisfy
such needs
Major need-based theories of motivation

2. Alderfer’s ERG Theory

Similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy in
that it focuses on differing levels
of needs, which are usually
satisfied in order of importance

Unlike Maslow’s theory in that it

allows for higher needs to be
met before lower-level needs
under certain circumstances
Major need-based theories of motivation

3. McClelland’s Theory of Needs

Concerned with the behavioral
consequences of need

Unlike Maslow’s theory in that it

allows for higher needs to be
met before lower-level needs
under certain circumstances
Major need-based theories of motivation

Comparison of theories
These three theories present a
useful approach for thinking
about organizational behavior

One is not inherently better than

the other; The point is to apply
the concepts of internal/external
motivation to individual situations
Activity 1 – Individual Reflection

• What motivates you?

• What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
• What makes you attend this lecture?
• What makes you want to do well?

Select a theory and analyze your own motivations.

5 Ways to Motivate a Team
Positive working
Consistent reinforcement 5
3 environment
and consequences The office atmosphere can
People want to feel valued and love to receive have a very powerful impact
praise and recognition for a job well done, on the way people work. Any
especially in front of their peers. Praise can go a conflict or negativity will
long way to make them feel like they are part of the almost certainly restrict
team and achieving their goals. workflow, so make sure you're
providing appropriate
platforms for employee

Clear expectations 2 Let them have fun and make

the team feel valued. Do you
Clear and frequent celebrate birthdays or get
communication is the key and Healthy competition 4 involved with charity events?
will boost your team's success. Why not raise some money for
According to Harvard Business
Employees dislike being left in good causes whilst staff
Review, it’s important to portray
the dark on any issues. Take a boosting staff morale.
success as a shared
look at how you currently
experience. To promote
deliver important messages to
positive competition, you need
your team
to outline the competition's
goals and importance and
discuss how it benefits the
Individual needs 1 employees and the
organization. Be specific with
Figure out what makes them the vision so you won't have to
tick find them scattered and
wandering along the way.
Once it is known what motivates people, leadership can be
thought of in relation to individual situations

Two main types of leaders:

• Emergent - Emergent leadership occurs when a group member is not appointed or
elected as leader, but rather that person steps up as the leader over time within-group
• Assigned - Assigned leaders are people who become leaders by being given a
formal leadership role in their organization. In contrast, an emergent leader is someone
who becomes a leader due to the way other group members respond to them.
Meaning of leadership in an organization

Leadership is the process by which a

person influences others to accomplish an
objective and directs the organization in a
way which makes it more cohesive and

Leadership is the art of motivating a group

of people to act toward achieving a
common goal
Manager vs Leader
Managerial Traits and Skills
List of traits and skills that are listed that a manager possesses to carry out important functions of a management
Leadership Traits and Skills
List of traits and skills that are listed that a leader possesses to take a great deal of interest in the success of his followers
Leadership Styles 1/2
Leadership Styles 2/2
When to use the appropriate management style given your team’s maturity (inexperienced-experienced) and the nature of your company
environment (crisis-stability.
Thank You

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