The Rise of The Animals

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The Rise of the Animals

What did animals evolve from?

Animals evolved from the
Proto=first, zoa=animal
Type of protist
Unicellular, but can form
No cell wall
Often more complex than
any single animal cell
Say hello to your
closest unicellular
-The Choanoflagellates-
• Multicellular life has been around for only 10%
of the Earth’s history
• Two theories of origin:
– Colonial Hypothesis – dividing cells just kind
of remained stuck together
– Synctial Hypothesis – A large, multinuclear
cell known as a synctium started forming
plasma membranes around individual nuclei
Colonial Synctial
Phylum Porifera: The First Animals
• Porus = pore, fera = to bear
• Better known as sponges
• Asymmetric
• No tissues/organs
• Filter feeders
• Central chamber that water
flows through - Spongocoel
• Three cell types
How is this an animal?!?
Sponge Cells: Pinacocytes
• Pina = drink, cyte = cell
• Thin and flat
• Line outside surface of
• JOB – Cover sponge,
bring water into the
inner sponge through
small holes, or pores,
called ostia
• AKA Epidermal Cell
Sponge Cells: Mesenchyme Cells
• Mesa = middle, chyme=
• Blob-like
• Make “jellylike”
substance that is the
“guts” of the sponge
• Create sponge skeleton
• Transport/Store food
• Reproductive Cells
• AKA Amoebocyte
Sponge Cells: Choanocytes
• Choane = funnel
• Most important cells
• AKA collar cells
• Have a flagella
surrounded by collar of
• Flagella beats to move
water, microvilli filter
microscopic food from
Sponge Feeding.
Build a Choanocyte!
Using clay, toothpicks, and labels, please
construct a choanocyte. MODELS MUST BE 3D!
 Flagella
 Microvilli
 Nucleus
 Attached Mesenchyme Cell
 Cell Body
The Sponge Skeleton
Can be made of two
 Spicules
Microscopic needles made of
calcium carbonate (snail shell
material) or silica (glass-like)
 Spongin
Made of collagen, which are
long protein fibers
Same material than tendons
are made of
Three Sponge Body Forms
Other Systems
 Digestive – Water + food enter
through pores called ostia,
choanocytes collect food, give it to
mesenchyme cells, which then spread
it around
 Circulatory - Mesenchyme cells
spread food around.
 Respiratory – None. Diffusion by cells
from water.
 Excretory – Filtered water + ammonia
leave through hole in top called
 Nervous – None. Cells cannot
communicate with one another.
Internal Fertilization
External Fertilization
• Each sponge is both sexes - hermaphrodite
• Avoids having “sex” with self by releasing
either sperm or eggs, not both at same
Two methods of sexual reproduction
• External – Sperm and egg meet in ocean
and form larva, which attaches to ocean
• Internal – Sperm from one sponge enters
another with incoming water, fertilizes egg
inside, forms larva, which then leaves
parent sponge
Sponge Facts
A 1 cm x 10 cm sponge can
filter 20 liters of water a day.
Sponges can be ground into a
pulp or blended in a blender and
can still reassemble themselves.
All the water in the ENTIRE
Caribbean Sea is filtered through
sponges every day!

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