Philosophy As Embodied Spirit

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1, In here the areas covered are questions on how we can

find things beautiful.
2. What is being discuss here is the correct reasoning.
3. It is the study of knowledge. It investigates the origin ,
structure, methods and integrity of knowledge.

Review 4. Studies government and deals with questions of justice,

power, and the rights and obligations of citizens.
5. A branch of Philosophy that deals with the rightness and
wrongness of an action
•Who /what is a
human person?
Quarter 1 – Module 3:
Differentiate the two according to their
MAN - it is
generally and
commonly define
to represent the
entire human
A term used to refer for
various classifications
and species. For a living
man, human is under the
classification of Mam-

A term used to
separate man from
HUMAN BEING other Human
Classifications like

• Refers to an individual
who possess self-
awareness, self-
determination, rational
mind, and the capacity to
interact with other and
with himself/herself.
•A general term refers
to the state of being a
PERSONHO person with unique,
OD sacred and ethical
status within
• A general term refers to the
HUMAN deepest and natural
behavior of a person that
NATURE distinguish human from
animals. A collective traits
that formed and considered
the very essence of
humanity. Nobody can be
considered man without
human nature.
Human person is someone with an exact origin of
his/her classification. From the biblical perspective, we
came from Adam and Eve. For Science, we came from
an Ape under the Class: Mammalia.

•  A human person is typically with a body which is

tangible and has a three components composed of
SOUL, MIND and SPIRIT. Also, he or she is entitled
and granted rights and privileges by the state which he
or she legally belong
1.Cognitive Self (something within and cannot be
physically seen) is the essential components of a human
persons that deals with THE WHAT OF A PERSON
which includes human persons’ belief, desire, dreams,
and intentions.
2.Physical Self (something can be seen in his/her
physical appearance) which deals with the essential
features of the human way of life or THE WHO OF A
PERSON which includes his/her body type, strength
and appearances.
• Embodied spirit is an animating core
living within each of us. It is known to be
the driving force behind what we actually
think, do and say. It is indeed the
reflections of our total being by which
our sensations lead to our human
feelings, emotions and decision. The
usual and known connotation that comes
to our mind when we hear the word
“embodied” is always materialized or
became flesh (with physical form). Thus,
when we say “embodied spirit”, we
normally believed and conclude of a
spirit becoming flesh.
1.Self-awareness refers to person having a
clear perception of oneself, including his or
her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions
(Abella, 2016).” It is the ability of one’s
consciousness to look inward thus
discovering the presence of a self.
• 2. A human person is able to connect and
interact with another person, an animal or
an inanimate object. We call this externality.
So even though human beings have
interiority they are not trapped inside their
heads. They are able to go beyond their
limited selves and embrace others.
Interiority it refers to the
ability of a person to Externality – this the
experience an “ inner capability to reach out and
world” that is defined by interact with others and
personal thoughts and the world.
• 3. We are not determined by others. Because we
have interiority; we can direct the course of our
own life. This is what we call self-determination
which is “the capability of persons to make choices
and decisions based on their own preferences,
monitor and regulate their actions, and be goal
oriented and self-directed” (Abella 2016) Thus
human beings are free. However since our actions
are based on our decisions we have to realized that
every decision has a consequence(s). There are
some actions that are good because they lead to
good consequences and some actions are bad
because they lead to bad consequences. The result
of our freedom is morality which is “the goodness
or badness of an act” (Abella 2016)
Self determination
is believing you can
control your own destiny.
Self-determination is a
combination of attitudes
and abilities that lead
people to set goals for
themselves, and to take the
initiative to reach these
• 4. Finally a human person has an inherent value and
importance. This is what we call dignity. That is why
no amount of money can equal the value of a human
life. This is also the reason why individual rights are
absolute (Rand 1964). The American Founding
Fathers called rights as “inalienable” because it
cannot be separated from our humanity. If we are
stripped off of our rights we are stripped of our
humanity. That is why slaves (who have no rights)
are not being treated as human.

-the right of a person

-Comes from a latin to be valued and
word “dignitas” which respected for their
means to be worthy. own sake, and to be
treated ethically.
Try saying these!
I am a person

I am alive

I exist

I am here. I am present.

I am living at this very moment.

DIRECTION: Read and analyze the questions and statements carefully. Encircle the
letter of your chosen answer.
1. Marie is very cheerful and friendly to her classmates. What aspect of the human
person is being described in the statement?
A. Cognitive Self
C. Psychological Self
B. Physical Self
D. Sociological Self
2. A criminal who have committed a very heinous offense can still be considered a
human person despite of his cruelty and inhumane act. The statement is ___________.
A. True, the dignity is still retained in spite of his actions because it is his inherent
B. False, the dignity of humans are removed once they don’t treat other people
just and right.
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above
 3.Carlo is a tall person with brown hair and brown eyes. What aspect of the
human person is being described in the statement?
A. Cognitive Self
B. Psychological Self
C. Physical Self
D. Sociological Self
4. Which of the following BEST describes the concept of embodiment?
A. Human person is essentially his/her body and nothing more.
B. Human person is essentially his/her spirit and nothing more.
C. Human person is essentially the unity of his/her body and spirit.
D. Human person is essentially a separate entity of the body and the spirit.
• 5. The recognition that each person has a worth and value that go
• quantifiable terms.
• a. dignity b. reputation c. popularity d. Position

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