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Spark OES, OES – ICP & XRF

What is Spark OES?
Spark Optical Emission Spectroscopy.
• Plasma created by high energy spark between sample and electrode.
• Plasma is ignited in an argon atmosphere.
• Light emitted by the plasma is captured and split into wavelengths.
• Each element has a distinctive wavelength like a fingerprint.
• Detectors pick up the intensity of these wavelengths. Use it to identify
the amount of a particular element present.
What is ICP-OES?
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy.
• Sample is introduced to high energy plasma (between 6000-10000oK)
in an argon environment.
• Plasma burns the sample generating light, this light is captured and
split into wavelengths.
• Detectors pick up the intensity of the wavelengths and identify the
elements present and the amount of those elements.
What is XRF?
X-Ray Fluorescence
• Radiation source is used to generate X-rays.
• Surface of material is bombarded with these X-rays.
• These x-rays have unique wavelengths for each element.
• Detector measures the intensities to identify the elements and
Pros and Cons of Spark OES

Fast testing (around 30 seconds) Mobile version is very heavy.

Large bulk sample testing. Small samples cannot be tested.

Non Destructive test Sample is marked.

Very low detection limits Expensive set up Cost

Can detect most lighter elements Requires long daily calibration

  Sensitive to environment

  Poor replicability

  Acclimation period required.

  Requires high purity Argon gas.

  Regular Maintenance required.

  Separate electrodes required.

  High Preparation demands

Pros and Cons of ICP - OES

 Small Bulk Sample testing. Not Portable.

Liquid Samples can be tested. Sample is destroyed.

Very low detection limits Expensive set up cost

Can detect the lighter elements Requires long daily calibration

Sensitive to environment

Poor replicability

  Acclimation period required.

  Requires High purity Argon Gas

  Regular maintenance required.

  High Preparation demands.

Pros and Cons of XRF
Fast testing (around 10 seconds) Radiation source has H&S Implications inc. Registration
Mobile version is very portable. Machine can be fragile with expensive repair costs
Truly Non-Destructive Cannot test small samples
Set up cost reasonable. Cannot detect lighter elements
Calibration is quick. Poor precision.
Large bulk sample testing  
Very little prep required  
Very little maintenance required.  
Can test different materials quickly.  
Which to use.
• Each method has advantages and drawbacks.

• Choice of method usually revolves around

• Accuracy of measurement required.
• Location of testing e.g. Lab vs on site.
• Elements of interest.

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