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What is Communication?

• It is the process whereby speech, signs or actions

transmit information from one person to another.
• Originated from the Latin word Communis which
means “to share”.
• Communication is a dynamic process…
• Through this process we convey a thought or
feeling to someone else.
• It is an exchange of thoughts, ideas and feelings.
How the process
of communication works:

Verbal Communication
• When messages or information is exchanged
or communicated through words is called
verbal communication.
• Verbal communication may be two types:
written and oral communication.
• Verbal communication takes place through
face-to face conversations, group discussions,
counseling, interview, radio, television, calls,
memos, letters, reports, notes, email, etc.

• Advantages of spoken language:
 we can repeat our speech or request
 we can explain the issue in another way in case
the listener doesn’t understand
 we can see the listener’s face so we have the
immediate respond

• Disadvantages of spoken language:

 you can’t take back what you say, it might cause
you problems

• Advantages of written communication:
 the ideas are better more structured and better organised,
you may express your feelings and opinion more clearly
 written words can be read several times
 in case of formal writing (applications, complaints etc.), you
can make a copy and use it as a proof if it is necessary
 you can eliminate errors (you can use a function – spelling
 in case of any kinds of problems it might be better to use
this kind of communication, we may calm down a little bit
during writing and to solve the problem with “a cold head”

• Disadvantages of written communication:

 requires more thoughts and planning
 in case of a description – long explanation is needed

Non-verbal Communication
• When messages or information is exchanged or
communicated without using any spoken or written
word is known as nonverbal communication.
• It is usually understood as the process of
communication through sending and receiving wordless
• Much of non-verbal communication is unintentional
people are not even aware that they are sending
• Non-verbal communication takes place through
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, physical
proximity, touching, symbols, etc.
Sign language = system of hand movements and gestures which represent ideas and

a way of communication among the deaf
Gestures = a system of movements of the whole body , especially
hands / fingers / face and other parts of a body
usage: they help us to express our ideas in case we don’t know the words/ we
want to emphasise something / the other person can’t hear us, can’t see us,
doesn’t understand us
gestures are not international, the same gesture can have different meaning in
different countries
Our bodies constantly talk –
e.g. we smile = we are happy, satisfied
we yawn = we are tired or bored
we frown = we are unsatisfied or we concentrate on something
we kiss = on cheeks = in order to greet the others or say goodbye
= on the mouth = a romantic relationship
Colours – a way how to express people’s feelings
e.g black = in western countries the colour of death
white = in Asian countries the colour of death
blue = in England it is a colour of something annoying
e.g. if I am angry = I am in blue, I feel blue.
Pictograms, signs – make travelling easier
Modern forms of communication

= using mobile phones (talking, chatting on

phones, sending text messages) or internet
(chatting on social websites, sending e-mails)

Mobile phones
1. talking on the phone:
• advantages:
- you can contact a person immediately (appropriate mainly in case of emergency)
- you can talk to a person whenever and wherever you need
- you can hide your feelings, it is easier to lie (to tell a white lie is sometimes necessary)
• disadvantage:
- it is common see people speaking/laughing/arguing by phone – they look crazy, everybody
can hear their problem, it may be impolite
- many people prefer communication face to face
- it shouldn’t be used for solving emotional problems (breaking-ups)
- personal contact is destroyed

2. sending texts:
• advantages: - a quick way of informing
- suitable for sending greetings
• disadvantages: - using abbreviations too often influences our grammar negatively,
- people usually don’t write commas, people can easily forget about
-mm- the right way of using them
• advantages:
- a way how to be in contact with people who are far away
from us
- it may be a way how to express your feeling or opinion
more clearly, we can read and rewrite the mail several
times before sending it
• disadvantages:
- chatting websites – we can become addicted to them, we
spend long hours chatting, it is a waste of time, it may be
even dangerous, you don’t know the person you chat with.

Different Types of Language Varieties

• Standard / Polite / Formal

We use the terms standard, polite and formal to refer to language
that sticks to the rules and is essentially presented as the ‘proper’
form of English. In practice, this is not necessarily practical English,
but rather the sort of English we’d expect to see in formal writing
or polite situations. Standard English is what is generally taught
where possible, e.g. at school.

• Colloquial / Informal
Colloquial language is effectively anything that is not formal, often
described as ‘spoken’ language. It is informal as the aim is to
communicate rather than stick rigidly to rules.

• Slang
Slang is the language that emerges within a subgroup to describe new
ideas, or to assign new words to existing ideas to develop a sense of
identity. Slang is more typically associated with social groups, for
example the language of a younger generation. Extreme forms of slang
may be rude or very informal. These are not long-lasting words. They
are not in fashion every time.

• Dialect
Dialect signals the speakers´ regional and social background. It differs
grammatically, phonologically and lexically from other varieties. Dialect is
associated with particular social class or group. (Australian dialect, Indian..)

Thank you for your attention 


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