Mini Research

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Research is composed of two words, “re” and “search”.
“Re” is a prefix that means again, anew, or over again,
and “search” is a verb meaning to examine closely
carefully, to test and try, or to probe or to study
thoroughly. Together they form a noun describing the
field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or
principles (Grinnell, 1934).
A. Looking For Problem
The following are some helpful resources for research problems:
1. Ideas to be confirmed, extended, or corrected
2. Other studies especially with research recommendations
3. National and international trends or conditions to be defined
or developed

4. Real-life problems, issues, experiences, or student situations.

B. Framing the Title
The following are the standards for writing a research topic:
1. The research topic should list the key variables
2. It must be written in a scientific or technological way
3. It should be concise with no more than 12 words and not repeat
4. Must reflect the context of the learners
5. It should not explicitly indicate the research design

Background of the Study
● Over the past decade, social media has drastically increased its breadth in terms of the
number of people who use it significantly. Facebook alone, as of January 2017 has
reached a record high of approximately 1,850,000,000 active users as compared to 400
million in 2012 (Smith, 2017). This exponential increase in social media activity has
fueled the interest of various researchers in the effect of social media usage. Social
media are forms of electronic communication devices through which users create
online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content

● (Merriam-Webster, 2017).

● What do you notice about the opening paragraph of the Background of the Study? That
is what you call the narrative hook.
Statement of the Problem
The statement of the problem tells what is done to make
the situation that exists more like what it should be. It
exposes anything wrong with the situation or condition or
circumstance which is being described. It has two main
1. the objective
2. research questions
Example SOP
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the level of social media usage of Grade 10 students of Bagong Silangan
High School (BSHS) in terms of:
a. forms of social media
b. frequency of social media use
c. mode of social media used?
2. What is the attention span in a class of Grade 10 students of BSHS?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the frequency of social media use and the
attention span of Grade 10 students of BSHS?
Scope and Delimitation
This presents the coverage of the research in terms of location, time, respondents, etc., and the
potential weaknesses or problems with the study identified by the researcher.

In writing this section:

1. cite data collection

2. identify the school involved, number of classes, their grade/year level, number of
participants (or respondents, subjects), and topics of lessons covered (if applicable).

3. state inadequate measures of variables, loss or lack of participants, small sample sizes,
measurement errors, and other factors typically related to data collection and analysis.
Significance of the Study
States the audience who will benefit from a study of the problem and explains
how exactly the results will be significant to them.

In writing this section:

1. In paragraph form, cite beneficiaries (e.g., students, professors or

teachers, university administrators, parents) of the results of the study.

2. For each beneficiary group, specifically describe how it will benefit

from the findings.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

●This is a written summary of journal articles,

books, and other documents that describes the past
and current state of information on the topic of
your research study.
Tips in Writing RRL

• Use the statement of the problem as a guide to structure and

sequence of topics

• Avoid ‘copy/cut and paste; all literature cited must form a coherent whole

• Last part highlights a gap in literature specifically addressed by your study

• Use the appropriate format for citations and references

• In-text citations should be congruent to bibliography entries

Research Methodology

In writing this section, consider the following guide questions:

1. What general methodology or research design do you intend to utilize in your

proposed study?

2. Why did you choose this research design?

3. What specific type of research design will you use?

4. Why did you choose this specific methodology?

Population and Sampling
● Population: Everything in the group that we want to learn about.

● Sample: A part of the population.

● The target population of the study is the Grade 10 students during the school
year, 2021-2022 of Bagong Silangan High School in Quezon City with a
population size of 1700, the researchers will consider a sample of 623
respondents determined using Slovin’s formula for computing sample size with a
five percent margin of error. These samples shall be randomly selected through
stratified random sampling and SPSS to randomly determine the samples.
The Instrument
An important part of research is the data collection tool because the
level of research results depends largely on the quality of research
materials used. Tool means a questionnaire or a data collection tool to
be built, verified, and controlled. It should be tested for suitability and
reliability If the tool is made by a researcher. If accepted, the
researcher should disclose a description of its objects, points, and
titles. The researcher should describe its components, and how the tool

will be validated. The tool used for this should be added to appendices.
Data Collection Procedure
● This section discusses how the samples will be contacted and explain the
process of administering the questionnaires. State how the questionnaires
will be retrieved.

● The process for gathering the needed data in the study is described
in the following steps.
1. The researcher shall seek the permission of the authors of
the instruments that will be adapted in this study.
Data Collection Procedure
2. The researchers will secure the permission of the school to obtain a list of
Grade 10 students from which the samples will be selected. Also, permission
to conduct data collection will be sought from the concerned officials of the
3. The questionnaires shall be distributed to the selected samples during one
of their classes with permission from the facilitating teachers and the note
of approval of the school.

4. Questionnaires shall be retrieved the same day as they were given to

ensure a higher return percentage of questionnaires.

Discuss the statistical method/treatment to be used to analyze the data and

why it is the most appropriate.
Specify if it is qualitative and/or quantitative methods that will be used
in analyzing the data gathered for the research.

● To answer the questions presented under the Statement of the
Problem, the following statistical tools will be employed:
1. Percentages will be used to present and analyze data
regarding the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. Weighted mean will be computed to represent the

responses of each respondent to the questionnaire and
their attention span score while standard deviation will be
used to determine the degree of variability in these
The results section of the research paper is where
you report the findings of your study based upon
the information gathered as a result of the
methodology [or methodologies] you applied.
The results section should simply state the
findings, without bias or interpretation, and
arranged in a logical sequence.
The discussion reviews the findings and puts them into
the context of the overall research. It brings together
all the sections that came before it and allows a reader to
see the connections between each part of the research
paper. In a discussion section, the author engages in three
necessary steps: interpretation, analysis, and explanation.
How to write a recommendation for your research paper

• Should be concrete and specific.

• The recommendations should connect to your
conclusion. Your recommendation should logically
support your conclusions.
Conduct a mini-research. Formulate your
mini-research using the given format.

I. Title:
II. Introduction
III. Statement of the Problem
IV. Presentation and Discussion of Data:
V. Data analysis and interpretation
VI. Conclusions and Recommendations:
Mini-research Title:
The Performance of Students in Mathematics of Grade
10 MDL Students in Bagong Silangan High School of
Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021.

I. Background of Study:
For some reason, Mathematics is one of the
unloved subjects. Many students have low grades and lack
interest in the subjects. Thus, teachers need to know who
among the students are experiencing difficulties and make
an intervention to help them overcome these.
II. Statement of the Problem:
This mini research will help the
researcher determine the performance of
Grade 10 MDL Section L Students
in Mathematics at Bagong Silangan High
School for the 3rd quarter of S.Y. 2020-
III. Significance of the Study
The research can be able to identify
those students who need help and
intervention on the subject. This will
reveal if the students in MDL class are
struggling with mathematics or not.
IV. Methodology
A. Research Design
This is quantitative research. Documentary
analysis and purposive sampling were used in
conducting this mini-research.
B. Participants/ Respondents
Grade 10 MDL Students Section L at Bagong
Silangan HS.

C. Data Gathering (This is the most important
part of statistics; data should be collected
accurately and convenient to use.)
The data were taken from the teacher’s class
 D. Statistical Treatment:
Mean = Average
Percentile: P15

Percentile Rank
The first thing you should do is to create a frequency table.
A frequency table is a table that lists items and shows the
number of times the items occur. We represent the
frequency by the English alphabet “f”
Then, we have now the final table
Mean = (∑𝒇𝑿𝒎)/𝑵

Percentile: P15

Therefore, 15% of the N has a grade of < 75

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation
Based on the results, the MDL Class Section L got a high
mastery level of performance for the third quarter in
Mathematics. There are only a few students who will be given an

The Math Teachers of MDL Grade, 10 section L, must prepare

intervention materials for that 25% of the class
who failed to reach above 75% of the grade
VII. References
Here, you list down the books, journals,
links, etc. that help you in conducting this

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