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Typically,a 21st Century classroom is not

confined to a literal classroom building but

a learning environment where students
collaborate with their peers, exchange
insights, coach, and mentor one another and
share talents and skills with other students.
Hence, the process of creating a world class
21st century learning environment building
new schools and remodeling of present
school facilities toward creating
environmentally , friendly, energy efficient
and green schools 
An ideal learning environment also consider the
kind of spaces needed by student and teachers in
conducting investigations and project diverse
groups for independent group.
*Technology in the 21st Century  Pedagogy 

-Technologies are not ends in themselves but these are tools

students use to create knowledge for personal and social change.

-21st Century learning recognizes full access to technology.

-Therefore, a better bandwidth of Wi-Fi access should be

available along areas of the school for the student to access their
files and supplement their learning's inside the classroom.
*Understanding 21st Century Learners

 Today students are referred to as " digital natives" while

educators  as " digital immigrants" Prensky 2001.

1. Digital Natives - usually react, are ramdom holistic and non -

linear. Their predominant senses are motion and touch. They
learn through experience and learn differently
2.Digital Immigrant
-Often reflect, are sequential and linear. Their predominant
senses are hearing and seeing. They to intellectualize and
believe that learning is constant ( Hawkins and Graham,1994)
Students entire lives have been immersed in the
21st century media culture.

They take in the world via the filter of computing

devices such as cellular phones, hand held
gaming devices, PD'S and laptops plus the
computers, TV's and game console at home 
A survey by the Henry J.Kaiser Family
Foundation  found that young people( ages 8-18
spend on electronic multimedia an average of six
hours a day 
The Preschoolers easily navigate electronic
multimedia resources on games. In which they
learned colors, numbers, letters, spelling, etc. .

However, as Dr.Michael Wesch, point out , although

todays students understand how to access and utilize
these tools, they use them only for entertainment
• 21st Century Skills Outcome and the Demands in the Job Market

-The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that student

need to develop to succeed in the information age, The
partnership for 21st century Skills list three types;

1. Learning Skills which comprise critical thinking, creative

thinking collaborating and communicating 
2.Literacy Skills which is composed of
information literacy, media literacy and
technology literacy 

3.Life skills that include flexibility, Initiative,

social skills, productivity and leadership.

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