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Lesson 2 : The Craftsmen of

the Cordilleras
Arts and crafts are important cultural markers in every community.

You can identify the group of people living in a particular area by

loooking at their arts and crafts.

Look at the picture above do you recognize the designs used to make
the items?

What group of people creates the kind of crafts in the picture?

The Ethnic Traditions and Cultural
Communities of the Cordilleras
The Filipinos craftsmen from the Cordilleras are noted for incorporating
their unique artistry in producting useful household and personal
items .

They are specially skilled in basketry and are known for their “backpack
“ designs made out of indigenous materials .The backpack is popularly
known as pasiking .
Woodcarving is also an important traditional activity in the Cordilleras.
Craftsmen carve anthropomorphic figures or human-like figures called bul-ul .
The bul-ul , when seen in pairs , signify the value of fertility. Both human and
animal forms or motifs are integrated in carving the parts of Cordillera houses
such as doors , posts , and ladders. Objects like spoons and bowls are also
adorned with carved figures.

The sturdy one-room structures that serve as homes to the natives of the
Cordilleras are called fale . They are elevated from the ground by four posts on
which traditional Cordillera designs are also carved .

The ling-ling- o design of the Cordillera signifies fertility . Craftsmen incorporate

this design into their jewerly such as necklaces , rings , and earings.
The traditional backsrtrap loom-weaving is also a typical sight on some
Cordillera communities. The people of the Cordilleras weave textiles
decorated with linear or figurative patterns.An example of the textiles is
the wanno or Ifugao loincloth (bahag).
A. Complete the sentence with the correct answer.

1. The __________ is the traditional house of the Cordilleras.

2. The __________ loom-weaving method is used in the Cordilleras to
make the wanno or bahag.
3. The _________ is a traditional wooden sculpture that represents
guardian spirits or rice gods.
4. Weaving is not only applied to textile in the Cordilleras but also to
5. The __________ is a sturdy one-room house in the Cordilleras.
Do it
Lets try paint the different arts and crafts or cultural markers from the
Arts and crafts are important cultural makers in every cultural community.

Basketry , woodcarving , jewelry-making , and loom-weaving are traditional

activities which Cordillera craftsmen engage in.

The fale is one-room traditional house in the Cordilleras.

The wanno or bahag is made using the backstrap loom-weaving method used in
the Cordilleras.

The bul-ul is a traditional wooden sculpture that resembles the human form
and represents guardian spirits and rice gods.
B. Answer the following questions .

1. What do the arts and crafts of the people of the Cordilleras tell you about
their culture? Explain your answer.

2. Which item amonmg their arts and crafts do you find most interesting ? Why?

3. What makes the Cordillera cultural community unique ? Explain your answer.

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