Modal Verbs

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We use modal verbs in English very frequently: it is a type of auxiliary verb that adds different meanings:

Regarding their common characteristics:

They do not have an infinitive with TO. Example: dog

An S is not added in the third person of the present as in the rest of the verbs. Example: She can
In its interrogative or negative form, we do not use another auxiliary, but rather they deny themselves. Example: Can't
• Usos de los verbos modales en inglés
• Can
• Expresa posibilidad o el hecho de saber hacer algo:
• I can speak Russian. – Sé hablar en ruso.
• Could – should – would
• Estos tres verbos modales suelen confundirse por eso los tratamos en el mismo apartado.  Veamos algunos ejemplos y explicaciones al respecto
de ellos. Fonéticamente, es importante que sepas que la “L” es muda, o sea, que no suena.
• Es el pasado de CAN. Y también se usa como condicional de este mismo verbo. Cabe decir que además tiene un uso para expresar una pregunta
más educadamente: un uso que de hecho es paralelo al que tenemos en castellano con el condicional.
• Danny could dance for hours when he was a teenager 
• May
• Express possibility or probability. It is also used for courtesy questions.

• I may stay in barcelona this summer. – I may stay in Barcelona this summer.
• May I use your phone? - Can I use your phone?
• may
• It expresses a probability but with weakness, that is, it is an unlikely event. It also has a courtesy use.

• You might be wrong

• They might come tonight
• It might rain tomorrow. – It might rain tomorrow
• shall
• It is a very formal and almost archaic form. It is a particle of the future.

• You shall not pass. – You will not pass.

• And it is used in the typical sentence:

• Shall we dance? - We Dance?

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