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I used to be so unhealthy

Goal: to talk about habits in the past

Let's get started
1. Look at the photos and 2. Match the sentences with the
describe what you see on them. pics.
A. I used to have a dog when I was young.
B. I used to love my birthday parties.
C. I didn’t use to stay indoors in the summer.
D. I used to wake up early on my birthday.
E. I used to play outside every day in the
F. I didn’t use to open my birthday presents
before breakfast.
3. Which sentences are true for you?
Habits in the past
We usually use “used to + infinitive” to talk about repeated activities /
states in the past which are different now.
+ I used to eat fast food. (now I am on a diet)
- I didn't use to do much exercise. (now I go to the gym or run every day)
? Did you use to like fruits and vegetables as a child?
1. OVER TO YOU, practice on
Over to you
1. In pairs, how much has the person in the photo changed?

01. Alice used to play …

02. She didn't use to … a tattoo.
03. …
Over to you
1. Are the sentences below single actions or repeated activities in the past?
1. I used to eat hamburgers when I was younger.
2. I ate a sandwich last night.
3. Mary didn’t use to eat vegetables.
4. Mary didn’t eat the vegetables.
5. We went out together for a pizza.
6. We used to go out for a pizza.
2. In pairs, role play the dialogue
A: Hello Simon, is your life different than it was before?
B: Yes, it is. I used to …, but now I … , and yours?
A: of course I didn't use to …, now I …

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