Lec 7 History of Computer

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•  Dark Age 5000 BC TO 1890 AD
• Middle Age 1890 AD TO 1944 AD
• Modern Age 1944 AD on ward
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Abacus (300 BC)

Abacus was the first calculating instrument
which was developed by Egypt, it is also
called “SWAN PAN”. Abacus was
consisting on wooden frame and sliding
beads. Which was used for calculation
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Napier Bones (1614)

• A Scottish mathematician Johan
Napier designed a device which was
consisting on eleven rod bones which
were assigned numbers. The rods
were placed side by side for obtaining
large numbers calculation and
• Johan Napier also known as the
inventor of Logarithms, therefore the
creation of numbers the Addition and
subtraction became easy in Napier
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Pascaline (1642)
French Physicist and mathematician Blais
Pascal invented a first mechanical calculator
which was consist on number dialing wheels,
the calculator responsible only performing
multiplication and subtraction of numbers but
addition and subtraction was low.
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Gottfried calculator (1671)

A German mathematician Gottfried Von
Leibniz introduced the extra functionality in
Pascaline calculator and named Gottfried
calculator which was capable to
performing arithmetic operations (+, -, x, /).
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Jacquard Loom (1801)

• Joseph Marie Jacquard a French
textile manufacturer invented a
mechanical method of controlling
weaving loom to produce complex
cloth pattern by using special punch
cards. These cards were used to store
information of required cloth pattern.
• The idea of storing information was
taken from jacquard loom machine.
DARK AGE 5000 BC - 1890 AD

Charles Babbage (1820-1833)

• English mathematician Charles Babbage gives
the true computer concept by the development
of “Babbage’s Difference Engine” a mechanical
Computer which was used to design algebraic
formulas. Another version of Difference engine
called Analytical engine in 1833 which was
fully automatic computer. This computer was
used punch cards to store information. After
the development of analytical engine Charles
Babbage became the father of computer.
• Lady Augusta Ada Love Lace was the
coworker of Charles Babbage in his efforts.
She was also known as the “First Programmer”
in the world.

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