Peran GATT Atau WTO Dalam Sejarah Perkembangan Uni Eropa

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Peran GATT atau WTO dalam sejarah

perkembangan European Union

[Valdo – 071711233075]

“the GATT also defined “All trade agreements “Starting with the Treaty of Rome in
a number of important exceptions to and protocols negotiated in the GATT 1957, the internal tariff walls “Another interesting aspect of the
these principles, such as: continued framework provided in their within Europe were gradually taken relationship between the EC and
use of tariffs, import quotas, anti- final provisions that the agreements down. The Member States of the the GATT is the gradually changing
dumping duties, and subsidies. One of were open for acceptance by the European Communities established a role of the EC within different rounds
these exceptions concerned free trade ‘contracting parties to the GATT and by common set of tariffs towards the rest of of GATT negotiations”
areas and customs unions” the ECC/EC” the world”

1. Sebagai Fasilitator Free

Trade, GATT membantuk 4. Perubahan peran dan aksi
terbentuknya European EC dalam setiap negosiasi
Community. 2. Setelah ECC tergabung dalam 3. Terjadi integrasi tarif bersama GATT
GATT, hampir semua perjanjian perdagangan di seluruh eropa
perdagangannya di tetapkan bahkan berdampak kepada
dengan Framework GATT perdagangan dunia.

(Mortensen, n.n dalam (Mortensen, n.n dalam

Bazerkoska, 2012: 279) Bazerkoska, 2012: 280)

“It is the European Commission that “The EU considers itself as the most
“After the Treaty of Lisbon came into
“The EC became an original member negotiates at the World Trade loyal supporter of the WTO. The WTO
force, the EC was replaced by
of the WTO in 1994. Due to its Organization on behalf of the EU. The has widespread membership covering
the European Union as a member of the
extensive and exclusive competences Commission coordinates with over 150 countries. Therefore, WTO
WTO. The powers within the
membership is increasingly seen as a
on trade policy issues, membership Common Commercial Policy of the Union the EU Member States through the Trade
came as a continuation of the practice Policy Committee and conducts EU policy necessary recognition by the
are delegated from the national
international community of the
of the EC’s de facto membership in the to the supranational level on all matters following the guidelines set down by the
GATT.” Member States in the Council of reliability of one country’s trade policy
concerning international trade”
Ministers.” and a necessary step towards reaping
the benefits of international trade.”

1. Tergabungnya EC/nedalam
keanggotaan tetap WTO 2. Perubahan EC menjadi EU
memperluas negosiasi 3. Bentuk Supranasional
membawa perubahan besar 4. EU merupakan contoh
kebijakan yang dilakukan. membuat sebuah sistematika
dalam dinamika kebijakan Regionalisme yang
perjanjian EU dengan GATT
dengan GATT. terintegrasi berkat WTO
yang sangat terstruktur.

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