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Paper 2 Language 2019

Student feedback
Approximate Grades for Q1

Recommended Marks Grade

time: 4 9+

5 minutes 3 8
2 4
1 2
A, B, E, F
• The key to this is summary and explanation
• WHAT is happening?
Approximate Grades for Q3
Marks Grade
12 9+
11 9+
10 9
9 8
time: 8 6+
12 minutes 7 5+
6 4
5 3+
4 3-
3 2
2 1+
1 1-
Write down an EBI
9y4 Take one point you
have made and green
WWW: pen another multiple
Clear points inference
Most of you used good embedded quotations
Some excellent analysis and inference
Most of you used good subject terminology
Stick to ideas about the sea
Multiple inference – a lot about a little – if you are only saying one thing about
a quote or a piece of word analysis it is not enough – however inference should
not be repeated
Be careful of vague phrases
Don’t use ‘this suggests’ – it is too vague. Say the technique instead
Explain more clearly – Eg: being in a washing machine is bad… WHY?
“…towering wall of white water.”

What could we say?

What other quotes could I use in
this paragraph?
Level 4: detailed and
Level 2 – 5 marks
Level 3 – 8 marks
Level 4 – 11 marks
Quote exploding recap – aiming for higher
“My body was brutally submerged”
• This suggests he is in a lot of danger as it is a bad situation. 2 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ suggests he is in a bad situation and is being hit. 4
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ suggests Ben is being really violently drowned
under water and that the sea wants to hurt him as if it is alive and cruel. 6 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ and the verb ‘submerged’ reveal that Ben is being
dragged down under water by the waves in such a way that it makes the sea seem
cruel and vicious towards Ben, like it has a grudge. The alliteration also serves to
emphasise how awful it is. 8 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ and the verb ‘submerged’ reveal that Ben is being
dragged down under water by the waves in such a way that it makes the sea seem
cruel and uncaring – almost as if it is trying to deliberately inflict pain in revenge
for Ben daring to travel on it. Furthermore, the use of alliteration emphasises how
violent and aggressive the sea is being towards Ben – like he is being attacked and
beaten up – body blows landing on him as he is dragged down below the water.
Quote exploding recap – aiming for higher
“My body was brutally submerged”
• This suggests he is in a lot of danger as it is a bad situation. 2 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ suggests he is in a bad situation and is being hit. 4
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ suggests Ben is being really violently drowned
under water and that the sea wants to hurt him as if it is alive and cruel. 6 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ and the verb ‘submerged’ reveal that Ben is being
dragged down under water by the waves in such a way that it makes the sea seem
cruel and vicious towards Ben, like it has a grudge. The alliteration also serves to
emphasise how awful it is. 8 marks
• The use of the adverb ‘brutally’ and the verb ‘submerged’ reveal that Ben is being
dragged down under water by the waves in such a way that it makes the sea seem
cruel and uncaring – almost as if it is trying to deliberately inflict pain in revenge
for Ben daring to travel on it. Furthermore, the use of alliteration emphasises how
violent and aggressive the sea is being towards Ben – like he is being attacked and
beaten up – body blows landing on him as he is dragged down below the water.
1. You need to take one of the long quotes you used or
where you said ‘THIS’ suggests and make it specific /
explain which specific words implied it was dark or
scary or cruel or violent…
1. You need to look at where you write ‘this quote’ or
where you wrote ‘the writer said’ or where you said
‘this word’ and you need to identify and explain the
technique the writer used and its effect on the reader
Approximate Marks
Grades for Q4 15 9+
14 9+
13 9
12 8
11 7-
10 6 Average mark: 8
Recommended 9 5
time: 8 4
20 minutes 7 3+

(5 planning, 15 6 3
5 2+
writing up) 4 2
3 1+
2 1
1 U
Some clear attitudes identified
Good use of quotations although some of you didn’t
choose the most obvious
Recycle what you had before in qn 3
Identify the feeling / thought clearly and then fully explore
the meaning using the evidence / explain / explain /
explain method
In the statement – make sure you say clearly what the
thoughts and feelings are
Great intro
Really good link to attitude and exploration
of writer’s methods
9 marks – Refers to methods but doesn’t introduce the IDEA of how the writer is
thinking or feeling and doesn’t always explain how the techniques are used to
emphasise the idea.
Total per section (OUT OF 40)
Minimum Grade Minimum Grade Minimum Grade
Mark Mark Mark

34-40 9+ 26 6+ 17-18 3+
33 9 25 6 15-16 3
32 9- 6- 14 3-
31 8+ 24 5+ 12-13 2+
30 8 23 5 10-11 2
8- 22 5- 9 2-
29 7+ 21 4+ 7-8 1+
28 7 20 4 5-6 1
27 7- 19 4- 4 1-

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