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Cloud One – Workload Security

Network Security System Security Malware Prevention

Intrusion Vulnerability Application Integrity Log Anti- Behavioral Machine

Prevention Scanning Control Monitoring Inspection Malware Analysis Learning

Apex One SaaS

Network Security System Security Malware Prevention

Intrusion Application
Firewall DLP Anti- Behavioral Machine
Prevention Control Malware Analysis Learning
Cloud One and Apex One Difference
Cloud One – workload security Apex One

• Supports wide range of platform • Supports windows and macOS Platform

• Both Linux and windows
• Can secure end-of-support systems Legacy • IPS Rules only focuses on Endpoint
systems with virtual patches delivered thru an vulnerabilities
IPS • No Recommendation Scan / Vulnerability
• Has a Vulnerability scan to apply recommended Scanning
IPS Rules • With iDLP
• No iDLP feature • Application control for supported windows
endpoint only
• Multi-platform application control to detect and
block unauthorized software execution.

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