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An Exploration of socio-

economic factors of
nomads and their
attitude towards
education of children in
Presented by Ayesha
Presented To: Dr.
An exploration of socio-economic
factors of nomads and their attitudes
towards education of children in vehari
Nomadism is relatively rare in industrialized countries, mainly in agricultural
economies. Contemporary nomads have inherited the lifestyle of their
ancestors. Their ancestors used migration from place to place to find fields and
water to look at. All nomadic families have unique cultural values ​that are
passed down from generation to generation.
Access to first-class schooling is essential for development. Education is going
past imparting children, younger human beings and adults with the expertise
and abilities to come to be energetic residents and increase as persons.
Having considered the importance of literacy, the needs of schools and parents,
we must now look at that is essential for nomadic people. The Governments
everywhere the world have engaged up to the worldwide commitments for
Education for All and the Declaration of Human Rights, which are crucial to
education and other services for all citizens of the country. Based on their
population, nomads are undoubtedly an important community.
Nomads exist all over the world, but in this modern age millions of
nomadic children are illiterate. Nomadic peoples make up a significant
population in the world and are severely disadvantaged in terms of
education. Nomadic education has become one of the systems that has
attracted the attention of the world.
Poverty is the main reason limiting the education of nomadic girls.
Financial deficits play a vital role in controlling direct costs such as
extracurricular expenses, book prices, school uniforms, transportation
and other expenses. In most nomadic groups, girls are the first to be
denied school opportunities when faced with economic hardship.
Statement of problems
Most nomads remain rightly proud of their cultural heritage.
That is why children move with the herds.
Migration is beneficial for the animals not the humans and
constant movement is taxing on women, children and the elderly.
Nomadic parents force their children to migrate and earn their
livings. Therefore, the main thrust of this study is to investigate
the factors that influence parental perception of nomadic
education and how it affects the effectiveness of the educational
The present study was designed to explore nomadic parents’
views regarding their children education in district Vehari.
Sociological Significance
It opens a research portal in the field of nomadic education. This
study will contribute to the literature review in this research area.
The results of this research shall benefit for policy maker to
understand the nomadic parent’s attitude towards their children's
Current research into its meaning is multidimensional. The benefit
of this study for stakeholders, teachers, educators and to recognize
the education importance for nomadic children.
The impact of parental attitudes in nomadic communities; they will
contribute to existing educational theories about enrollment and
school progress and inform about policies aimed at quality
nomadic education.
Research Questions
What are the attitudes of nomadic parents towards the
education of their children?
What are the gender differences in nomadic parent’s
attitudes towards children education?
What are the children of parents challenges facing
nomadic community in assessing quality education?
To what extent does the government role play of
nomadic education influence parent’s perception of the
Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

To explore the socio-economic factors/characteristic of nomads.
 To find out the attitude of nomadic parents towards the education
of the children.
To know the links between the socio-economics
factors/characteristics of nomadic people and the attitude towards
the education of the children.
Review of the Relevant Literature (Global Context)

Ananthakrishnan & Ramamritham (2005) stated that Nomadic tribes in

India care little or no approximately the schooling in their children, and
due to their itinerant nature it's far nearly not possible for them to obtain
a everlasting schooling, even supposing it may be provided. The authors
performed an in-intensity observe of 3 tribes in Maharashtra (India) over
a 4-month duration and evaluated numerous reassets and procedures that
may be effectively utilized in kid's persevering with schooling.
Snoeck (2009) stated that Stories of latest immigrant moms the use of
childcare offer a completely unique possibility to discover how listening
and democratic practices are formed in regular interactions. In a small-
scale have a look at, we analyzed reviews from 3 newly arrived
immigrant moms with younger children who used childcare.
Review of the Relevant Literature (Global Context

hanafi (2012) stated that recently, there was a variety of situation

approximately gender inequality, specifically in education. Education is
one of the cornerstones on which the improvement aspirations of a
significant society relaxation and is broadly diagnosed because the
cornerstone of the improvement of any network or nation.
Sharifi (2013) stated that The Afghan training device become now no
longer designed to fit Kuchi's lifestyle. This is likewise one of the
motives as studies have proven that Kutcher youngsters are in large part
disadvantaged of training. In different words, as stated above, training
on this United States of America is essentially confined to
geographically constant colleges and educational hours.
Review of the Relevant Literature (Global Context

Lintner (2014) said that The "nomadic community" are normally

observed on railroads, roads, waterways, dumps and cemeteries,
frequently some distance from the facilities of essential cities. The
individuals who stay right here are invisible and the land has little land
Maheen (2013) stated that nomads are people belonging to wandering
pastoral areas. Nomadic animal husbandry involves the continuous
change of habitats of people seeking livelihood and mobility is
concentrated around temporary operational centers whose stability
depends on the availability of food resources and technical knowledge
for resource utilization and market adaptation of work.
Review of the Relevant Literature (Global Context

Gul and sheikh (2014) stated that Education is the important thing to
success. The equal is going for girls. Women are the middle of advent on
this world. Women themselves do now no longer even realize who they
may be made for. From daughters, sisters, moms to wives, girls play a
clean and described position in society.
Siddique, Ahmad and Chaudhary (2017) stated that educating nomads
has continually been a worldwide challenge, particularly in South Asian
countries, particularly Pakistan. However, across the world, many efforts
had been made for the education of nomadic peoples. This look at aimed
to analyze nomadic parents' attitudes to their kid's upbringing and gender
variations in nomadic parents' attitudes to their kid's upbringing
Review of the Relevant Literature (Global Context

Hussein (2016) said that In present day world, the combination of

contemporary-day technology, formal schooling and subculture and
interest to first-class of lifestyles are regularly converting people's
notion of conventional ideals and practices. However, this isn't always
the case with pastoral (nomadic) groups, who maintain to deliver their
cattle to locate water and pasture for his or her cattle.
Universe of the study;
• Universe of the study was ‘Tehsil Mailsi’.
• Target population for the research was ‘nomadic people community’ in Tehsil
Sample size
• The researcher has selected 6 male (fathers) and 6 female (mothers) for the
purpose of data collection. These all informants lived in a hut and known as
nomadic community.
Research design;
• Researcher used qualitative research design for the present research.
Sampling technique
• Convenient sampling was used by the investigator. Convenience
sampling is often low-cost and simple, with easily available participants
Tools for data collection;
• Researcher used interview guide as a tool for data collection for the
present study. Interview guide prepared for present research.
• In-depth interviews were conducted with open-ended questions. An
open-ended inquiry allows informants to respond flexibly and on their
personal terms, they can respond in any way they see fit.
Observational analysis;
• Observational evaluation is likewise nicely done, assembly
respondents with the aid of using staring at how they communicate to
others with inside the community.
Report writing;
• The analyzed discourse, which begins with a joint conversation,
essentially examines, through highly skillful actions, the important and
fundamental decisions of the respondent's facts and influences the
effect on which he perceives them. They expected us to benefit from
and talk to them, just as they confirmed our intentions behind us.
Thematically analysis
Life style of nomadic community
 In all these cases observation is that nomads are
community who did not leave in a same place for a long
period of time they are all living in huts.
 Most of them were doing hard work for the sake of
money. By balloon selling, pot selling and by doing jobs
in some factories, homes etc.
Thematically analysis
Education Restrictions
 Nomadic people have very lower status in the society in some cases people
said they did not have much time or patience for their children to
completing their education then do jobs therefore they prefer labor work.
 In most cases people said they have allowed their children only get Islamic
education. If they allowed to get school education they only prefer boys not
 In most cases people told they have low status in society therefor people
hate them. They did not allow our children to get education with their
children. If government want to do something for us than they should
arrange separate schools for our children.
Thematically analysis
Cultural aspects
 The cases that was taken from the district mailsi all have same caste
Khokhar and sheikh.
 They all have same method of marriage and exchange marriage was
common in their community. In dowery they just give them the thing
which they gathered from garbage or someone gave to them.
Economic aspects and treatment hurdles
 Lack of funds and awareness the nomadic people did not know about
facilities which was government arrange for them in hospitals
 In many cases female lost their children before and after birth because the
reason of lack of resources and money. Nomadic people go to peer babas
to get treatment.
Thematically analysis
Psychological conditions
 In maximum cases nomadic people were very hurt because of the
society’s attitudes towards them. They said society did not give
them respect and did not accept them in public places, hospitals,
educational institutes as well. That’s way they want respect and
acceptance in society so they also leave a health life in a healthy

Nomads are a community who did not live in a same place for long
period of time. They migrate from one place to another for the purpose
of food and finding pasture for livestock, in early years they move
from one place to another with the help of animals.
Most nomadic groups follow a fixed annual and seasonal pattern of
movements and settlements, these people must have faced a lot of
hurdles, difficulties and problem to survive, they don’t have basic
infrastructure facilities like drinking water, shelter and sanitation
facilities. Health care and educational facilities are also not available.
researcher observed very deeply there are majority of the respondents
were very hard work, they do work for earned money these type of
people very sensitive and also hurt by the attitude of the society. It is
very painful for these hard work people to face rejection and faced the
arrogant behavior from everywhere, like in hospitals, in schools and
even in their work place too, most of them wants to get education for
their child.
 They are also human being and they also have a right to live a good
and healthy life. They also have self-respect. Government must have
to do something regarding their education, hospitals and for their
permanent occupation.
• Researcher after meeting the all nomads found that all activities
and life style of these people conclude that these people who
belongs to the nomads community are not equal. There are a
large number of people who did not do work and through
begging earn their livlihood.
• Researcher observed very deeply there are majority of the
respondents were very hard worker, they do work to earn money.
These type of people are very sensitive and also hurt by the
attitude of the society. It is very painful for these hard work
people to face rejection and faced the arrogant behavior from
everywhere, like in hospitals in schools and even in their work
place too, most of them wants to get education for their child.
• For this purpose they want a little bit changing in other status of
people. it is necessary to make some changing among all type of
communities, the biggest role will be played by the government
• People should give them respect. And also accept them; because they are also
the part of our society, they also have a right to live a happy life.
• Government can changed perception of the other people by seminars and
television messages. There must be separate schools for their community.
From there they easily get education.
• In present government schools teachers and students not accept the nomadic
child. There must be speared awareness about education and its effect among
nomads. So they also take interest in educational system and by get education
live a very beautiful life there must be separate hospitals for nomadic people.
• There is need to aware these people how they can use their political right in a
right way.
• Government should be arrange seminar for the purpose of respect and accept
of nomadic people among the common citizen.
• Government should arrange for their shelter where they live secure.
Government should have to fulfill their promises regarding nomads because
they were really very hurt.

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