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A Glimpse of Arshi Fatma’s

excellent work during her

working tenure
Arshi Fatma as a
Arshi Fatma leading an awareness campaign of Nari sangh
Arshi Fatma sensitized the community on the issue of open Gram
Sabha meeting
Sensitized the community on the issue of MNREGA
Arshi Fatma taking a session on the issue of Reproductive &
Mobilization on High Risk Pragnancy by the demonstration
of chart game
Arshi Fatma as a community friend (An dolescent girl shared her
personal problems with Arshi Fatma during health camp).
Introducing “Marker system” which was innovated by Arshi Fatma specially
for anemic girls, high risk pregnant women & SAM children at health camp
Arshi Fatma sensitized the community on the issue of PDS
Arshi Fatma mobilized the community on the issues of early marriage
& girls education.
Arshi Fatma as a
master trainer
Arshi Fatma taking a session during the the training of Nari
Sangh ‘s leaders on the issues of Domestic Voilence
Arshi Fatma
as a great
Facilitating in Nari Sangh’s advocacy in front of food supply officer at
vikas bhawan ghazipur
Making fun with children at Balwadi kendra
Arshi Fatma participating in growth monitoring with DPO
Arshi Fatma as
a competent
Hosted the Nari Sangh’s interface program in Mau District
Hosted the regional level women ‘s convention in
Mau Distt.
Interacted with media and sharing the state of health affairs
Leading the Block level interface program which was
especially organized for adolescent girls.
Introducing marker system to District Magistrate of
Thank You

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