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Marxist Approach

Group 3

01 Definition of Marxist

02 Short Critique of “The

Story of Keesh” using the
Marxist Approach

03 Guide Question
01 Definition of Marxist

The Marxist approach, also known as Marxism, is a

socio-political and economic theory based on the
ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is a critical Insert image here
Animation: Fade – With Previous
framework that aims to explain the way society works
and the relationship between the ruling class and the
working class.
01 Karl Marx was a 19th century German thinker most famous for developing a
notion of communism in The Communist Manifesto. His notion of
communism was not simply a utopia presented in a vacuum, it was a
political program meant to critique the social conditions of capitalism.

The Marxist criticism is an approach to diagnosing political and social problems in

terms of the struggles between members of different socio-economic classes. Drawing
from this approach, criticism does not aim at the flaws of particular individuals, even if
they have attained positions of power. Instead, such an approach focuses on how social
life is structured by class oppositions that are determined by laboring relationships.
One of the key elements of the Marxist critique is its analysis of class struggle.
Marxism is primarily concerned with the relationship between the ruling class
and the working class, and how this relationship shapes society as a whole.
According to Marx, society is divided into two primary classes: the bourgeoisie,
who own and control the means of production, and the proletariat, who must
work for a living to survive. Marxists argue that the bourgeoisie exploit the
proletariat by paying them less than the value of the goods and services they
produce, resulting in surplus value for the capitalists.
The Marxist approach provides a critical analysis of capitalist society,
highlighting the ways in which it leads to economic inequality, exploitation,
and alienation, and that these problems are inherent to the system. Through
their analysis, Marxists seek to expose the contradictions and injustices of
capitalist society, and to offer an alternative vision for how society could be
02 Short Critique of the story
using Marxist Approach

“The Story of Keesh” is a short story that explores the social and
economic structures of the Inuit tribe and challenges the
dominant ideology that reinforces the power of the ruling class.
From a Marxist perspective, the story can be interpreted as a
critique of the economic and social systems of the tribe and a call
for a more equitable society that values a wider range of abilities.
The story is set in a society where physical strength and hunting ability
are the primary means of gaining power and status. The ruling class is
made up of the best hunters, and they hold the most power in the tribe.
This economic system is flawed, as the traditional way of hunting is
shown to be inefficient and wasteful. The tribe’s social system also
reinforces the power of the ruling class, as physical prowess is valued
over other qualities such as intelligence and resourcefulness.
Keesh, the protagonist of the story, challenges this dominant ideology by using his
intelligence and resourcefulness to hunt in a more efficient way. He is able to provide
for the tribe in a way that the best hunters were not able to, and he gains respect and
admiration from the tribe as a result. Keesh’s success in hunting challenges the
traditional hierarchy of the tribe and shows that there are other ways to contribute to
the community and gain respect.

From a Marxist perspective, the story can be interpreted as a critique of the class
system of the Inuit tribe. The traditional hierarchy is shown to be flawed and
inefficient, and the story suggests that a more egalitarian society would be better for
everyone. The story also highlights the importance of challenging dominant ideologies
and valuing a wider range of abilities in order to create a more just society.
03 Guide Question
How do the characters overcome the oppression?

Keesh’s skills in hunting was doubted by many. Many had even

accused him using witchcraft to hunt because of his killing of
the polar bear. Keesh overcame the oppression by letting them
know how he killed it by using his headcraft. He explained how
he killed the polar bear with a chunk of blubber and a thin strip
of whale bone that had ends as sharp as needle-points.
He overcame the oppression of the traditional class
system by challenging the dominant ideology of the
Inuit tribe and using his intelligence and
resourcefulness to hunt in a more efficient way. By
doing so, he is able to provide for the tribe and gain
respect and admiration, despite his low social status.

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