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1 You will be divided into groups of four to six.

2 You will create a picture from our story with your bodies.

3 Don’t forget to use the floor, try some of you sitting,

standing or propped up on a small stool or chair.

4 When you hear, “Ready, action, freeze!” hold

your bodies as still as possible.

5 All groups will have time to prepare their freeze-frame.

6 We will take turns showing our freeze-frame

to the rest of the class.
Poetry in Motion
1 You will be divided into groups.

2 Your group will be given a poem to read aloud to the class.

3 Read through the poem and discuss each verse.

4 Decide as a group what you feel are the key phrases and words.

5 Talk about how you might perform the poem for the class.

6 You might use freeze-frames or actions.

7 All groups will have time to prepare their poem.

8 We will take turns performing our poem

for the rest of the class.
One-word Story
1 You will sit/stand in a circle.

2 One of you will be asked to begin the story using a single word.

After that, every person in the circle will have to

add to the story also using only one word.

● Who will begin the story?

● In which direction will we go?

● Make sure your chosen word makes

sense so it doesn’t muddle the plot.

● Make sure we have all the elements a story needs like

a beginning, problem, solution and so on.

4 The story ends once all the elements have been included and
we’ve reached a good ending.
1● You will be divided into groups of four to six.

2● You are going to create a sound picture of a setting on your card using
your voices and bodies.

3● Your group will need to talk about all the sounds that might be heard
in the setting.

4● One person will be the conductor that controls the sounds and the rest
of the group will be making the sounds.

● Don’t forget to talk about how to perform the sounds

e.g all at once, at different times, using different volumes.

5 Each group will perform their sound picture to the

Space Adventure
1 Imagine how an astronaut might move if they were in space.

2 Start moving like you would in that setting when you hear the word, “Go.”

3 Stop moving when you hear the word, “Stop.”

● How about a swimming pool full of treacle?

● How would you move if you were on a rocky path?

● What would it look like to walk in a winter storm?

● A room of trampolines?

4 Let’s map verbs and expanded noun phrases

to describe movement in each scenario.
In the Manner of the Word
1 The class will be divided into groups.

2 One person is chosen to go outside of the room.

3 That person needs to think of an action the rest of the group will mime later.

4 The rest of the class will choose an adverb.

5 The person outside will come back in and say their action.

6 The rest of the group will act out that action in the manner of
the adverb they chose.

7 The pupil that was sent outside has three chances to

guess the adverb.
Prop Up Our Characters
1 Use your imagination to think of different ways to use this prop.

2 Who would like to use this item as one of the ideas we just thought of?

3 Think about the person that would use this prop. What sort of
voice would they have? How would they move and talk?

4 We are going to ask this character questions about

the prop, their job and other parts of their life.

5 In groups, you will go to a bundle of props.

6 One person at a time will choose a prop,

think about what it could be and think of a character that would use it.

7 The rest of the group will ask that person questions about their character.

• Don’t forget to think about how your character talks, what kind
of voice they have and any movements they might make.

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