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Presented by:
REGD NO: 1901214084
We will discuss
• What is Big data?
• Application of Big data.
• What are the challenges?
• Data management issues?
• What is the future of big data?
• Advantages and disadvantages of big data.
• Conclusion.
Big data:
Big Data is nothing but lots of data consisting of varieties of data. It is the concept of
gathering useful insights from such voluminous amounts of structured, semi-
structured and unstructured data.

Application of Big data:

 The term Big data is referred to as large amount of complex and unprocessed data.
 Big data is a spearing technology used in each business sector.
Big data challenges:
Big data challenges include the best way of handling the numerous amount of
data that involves the process of storing, analyzing the huge set of information on
various data stores.

1.Privacy and security

2. Data access and sharing of information
3. Analytical challenges
4. Technical challenges
5. Human resources and manpower.
1) Privacy and security:
 In order to find trends in data,
we have stopped caring about the
security and privacy of an individual.

2)Data access and sharing information:

 Data sharing is the practice of marking data used for scholarly research available to other
investigators. Many funding agencies, institutes, and publication venues have policies
regarding data sharing.

3) Analytical challenges:
 Big data bring with it some huge
analytical challenges.
 Analysis on such huge data.
Requires a large number of Advance skills.
4) Technical challenges:

 Fault tolerance: if the fault occurs the

damage done should be acceptable rather
that beginning the task.
 Heterogeneous data: Structured and
unstructured data.

5) Human resources and manpower:

 If required training programs to be

held by the organizations.
 Universities need to introduce
curriculum on big data.
Data managements issues:
 Resolving issues of access, utilization, updating, and reference have proven to be major
stumbling blocks.
 In such volume, it is impractical to validate every data item.

Future of big data:

 Over the 2020-2025 timeframe, the data analytics global market for apps and analytics
technology will expand at a 32% CAGR, while cloud technology will grow at a 20 percent
CAGR, computing technology will grow at a 10% CAGR and NOSQL technology will develop
at a 20 percent CAGP.
 Big data analysis derives innovative solutions.
 It helps improving science and research.
 Traditional storage can cost lot of money to store big data.
 Lots of big data is unstructured.

As more and more data is generated and collected, data analysis requires scalable, flexible, and
high performing tools to provide insights in a timely fashion. Therefore, it can be very difficult to
keep pace and choose the right tools.

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