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“Pick a number!”
“Pick a number!”
____1. It is best applied if you have a
limited sample (n < 30) as long as the
variable are approximately normally

z- test t- test
____1. It is best applied if you have a limited
sample (n < 30) as long as the variable are
approximately normally distributed.

z- test t- test
“Pick a number!”
2. It is also applicable if you do not
know the populations’ standard

z- test t- test
2. It is also applicable if you do not
know the populations’ standard

z- test t- test
“Pick a number!”
This is the best to use in a statistical
test if the population standard deviation
is known.

z- test t- test
This is the best to use in a statistical
test if the population standard deviation
is known.

z- test t- test
“Pick a number!”
If the Central Limit Theorem is applicable in
testing the hypotheses, where n ≥ 30, the test
statistics to used is the ______

z- test t- test
If the Central Limit Theorem is applicable in
testing the hypotheses, where n ≥ 30, the test
statistics to used is the ______

z- test t- test
“Pick a number!”
This test is often applied in large
samples (n > 30).

z- test t- test
This test is often applied in large
samples (n > 30).

z- test t- test
“Pick a number!”
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A sample
of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a= 0.01 test.
It was the claimed that the students had allowance of more
than ₱80. The standard deviation of the population is ₱40.

What is the value of the population

mean based on the given claim above?
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A sample
of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a= 0.01 test.
It was the claimed that the students had allowance of more
than ₱80. The standard deviation of the population is ₱40.

What is the value of the population

mean based on the given claim above?
“Pick my board!”
a number!”
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A sample
of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a= 0.01 test.
It was the claimed that the students had allowance of more
than ₱80. The standard deviation of the population is ₱40.

What is the value of sample mean based

on the given claim above?
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A sample
of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a= 0.01 test.
It was the claimed that the students had allowance of more
than ₱80. The standard deviation of the population is ₱40.

What is the value of sample mean based

on the given claim above?

“Pick a number!”
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A
sample of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a=
0.01 test. It was the claimed that the students had
allowance of more than ₱80. The standard deviation of the
population is ₱40.

What is the value of the sample size

based on the given claim above?
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A
sample of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a=
0.01 test. It was the claimed that the students had
allowance of more than ₱80. The standard deviation of the
population is ₱40.

What is the value of the sample size

based on the given claim above?

n= 35
“Pick a number!”
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A
sample of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a=
0.01 test. It was the claimed that the students had
allowance of more than ₱80. The standard deviation of the
population is ₱40.

What is the population standard

deviation based on the given claim
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average allowance
of senior high school students was more than ₱80. A
sample of 35 students had a mean allowance of 100. At a=
0.01 test. It was the claimed that the students had
allowance of more than ₱80. The standard deviation of the
population is ₱40.

What is the population standard

deviation based on the given claim
= ₱40
“Pick a number!”

●“Caught in a bad
romance challenge!”
Activity: “You Bring
Color to My Life!”
Activity: “You Bring Color to My Life!”

Sketch a standard normal curve, shade the required area with

color GREEN and for the remaining area, use color RED
• Group 1: Between z= -1.56 and z=1.56 (orange, blue)
• Group 2: To the left of z= 2.05 (violet, yellow)
• Group 3: To the right of z= -1.3 (green, red)
• Group 4: Between z= -1.58 and z= 1.58 (green, red)
• Group 5. To the left of z = 1.96 (orange, blue)
• Group 6. Between z= -1.96 and z= 1.96 (violet, yellow)
Learning Objectives
During the learning session, I am expected to:
1. define the critical values, level of significance, hypothesis test, and
rejection region (R),
2. identify the critical value when population variance is known or
unknown (U) and,
3. determine the appropriate rejection region for a given level of
significance (Ap).
The region of rejection is a range of values such that if the
test statistic falls into that range, we decide to reject the null
hypothesis in favor of alternative hypothesis.
Critical values (z-table)
Critical Value- separates the rejection region from the
acceptance region.
Derived from the level of significance and expressed as
the standard z-values
a = 0.01 a =0.025 a = 0.05 a = 0.10  

Left tailed -2.33 -1.96 -1.645 -1.28  

Right tailed 2.33 1.96 1.645 1.28  
Two-tailed 1.645  
Critical Values (t-table)
ACTIVITY: My Critical Value
Determine the critical value of the following
1. left-tailed test, a= 0.05, n= 75
z= -1.645
2. two tailed tests, a= 0.01, n= 35
z= 2.575
3. right-tailed test, a= 0.10, n= 100
z= 1.28
4. one-tailed test, a = 0.025, n = 48
z= -1.96 or z= 1.96
ACTIVITY: My Critical Value
Determine the critical value of the following
5 left tailed tests, unknown, a= 0.05, n= 15
t= -1.761
6. two-tailed test, unknown, a= 0.01, n= 5
t= 4.604
7. right-tailed test, unknown, a= 0.10, n=10
8. one tailed test, unknown, a= 0.025, n= 8
t= -2.365 or t = 2.365
Activity: “Hypothetically Speaking, You’re Rejected!”

Sketch & determine the rejection region for each hypothesis test.

1. : = 2.5 2. : = 15
: ≠ 2.5 : < 15
a = 0.05 a = 0.10
n= 40 n= 7
known unknown
Read and analyze. Supply the data being
Suppose a delivery company claims they deliver their
packages in 2 days on average, and you suspect it’s longer
than that. To test this claim at 0.10 level of significance,
you take a random sample of 11 packages and record their
delivery times. You find the sample mean is 2.3 days and
the sample standard deviation is 0.35 days. Assume a
normal distribution.

1. null & Alternative : = 2,: > 2

2. sample size n= 11
3. standard deviation s= 0.35
4. type of test Right tailed test
5. level of significance a = 0.10
6. test-statistics t- test
7. critical value t= 1.372
8. rejection region t ≥ 1.372
Example #2:
A grade 11 researcher reported that the average
allowance of senior high school students was less than
₱80. A sample of 35 students had a mean allowance of
50. At a= 0.01 test. It was the claimed that the
students had allowance of less than ₱80. The standard
deviation of the population is ₱40.
1. null & Alternative hypotheses : = 80,: < 80
2. sample size n= 35
3. standard deviation
4. type of test Left tailed test
5.level of significance a= 0.01
6. test-statistics z-test
7. critical value -2.33
8. rejection region z < 2.33
Remember me!
○ The critical value is separate the rejection region from the
acceptance region.
○ To determine the critical region, use the z-table if the population
standard deviation is known; otherwise, use the t-table.
○ If the hypothesis test is right-tailed, the z-values or t-values on
the rejection region are greater than or equal to the critical value.
○ If the hypothesis test is left-tailed, the z-values or t-values on the
rejection region are less than or equal to the critical value.
Read and analyze the problem. Supply the data being
ASSIGNMENT: 1 whole crosswise
Instruction: Read and analyze the given problem below
and Supply the data being asked. (copy and answer)
1. The plant manager believes that the operators
take a lunch break for more than 60 minutes. A
sample of 15 operators from a normal population
were randomly selected, and it was found out that
their mean lunch break is 60 minutes with a
standard deviation of 5 minutes. At 0.05 level of
significance, is the mean lunch break greater than
60 minutes?
1. null & Alternative hypotheses
2. sample size
3. standard deviation
4. type of test
5.level of significance
6. test-statistics
7. critical value
8. rejection region
2. In the past, it took an average of 30
minutes queuing in the registrar’s office. The
dean introduced a new procedure, and he
believes that it is effective. A sample of 200
students from a normally distributed
distribution revealed an average of 24
minutes waiting time with a standard
deviation of 7 minutes. Test the claim at a
10% level of significance.
1. null & Alternative hypotheses
2. sample size
3. standard deviation
4. type of test
5.level of significance
6. test-statistics
7. critical value
8. rejection region

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