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AI Artificial Intelligence

What is AI?
Artificial intelligence, as known as AI, is the imitation
or cloning of human intelligence, that allows
machines, more specifically computer systems, to
perform in an extremely intelligent manner. 
AI systems typically demonstrate at least some of
the following behaviors associated with human
intelligence: planning, learning, reasoning, problem
solving, knowledge representation, perception,
movement and manipulation and, to a lesser extent,
social intelligence and creativity.

• Reduction in Human Error
• Takes risks instead of Humans
• Available 24x7
• Faster Decisions 
• Helping in Repetitive Jobs

•  High Costs of Creation
•  Making Humans Lazy
•  Unemployment
• No Emotions
• Lacking Out of Box Thinking

Concepts for AI
Most people focus on the results of AI. For those
of us who like to look under the hood, there are
four foundational elements to understand. These
four pillars also represent steps in an analytical

• Categorization
•  Classification
• Machine learning
• Collaborative filtering

Types of AI
Using the human mind characteristics for reference, all
artificial intelligence systems - real and hypothetical - fall
into one of three types:

•Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), which has a narrow

range of abilities;
•Artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is on par with
human capabilities; or
•Artificial superintelligence (ASI), which is more capable
than a human
AI applications

Examples of artificial intelligence algorithms

applied to real-world problems.
For technologies used in these applications, see

• Artificial intelligence
• Classification algorithms
• Machine learning

Philosophy and ethics
There are three philosophical issues related to AI:

• If artificial general intelligence is possible; if a machine can

solve any problem that a human being can solve using
intelligence, or if there are strict limits to what a machine
can accomplish.
• If intelligent machines are dangerous; how humans can
ensure that machines behave ethically and are used
• If a machine can have a mind, consciousness and mental
states in the same sense as human beings; whether a
machine can be sentient and therefore deserves certain
rights - and whether a machine can intentionally cause
damage. 8
Major Goals
Like any field of study, artificial intelligence has goals
of advancement and discoveries, they are:
• Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
• Automated Planning and Scheduling
• Machine Learning
• Natural Language Processing
• Computer Vision
• Robotics
• Artificial General Intelligence
The risks
As AI systems become more powerful and general,
they can become superior to human performance
in many areas. If this happens, it could be a
transition as economically, socially and politically
transformative as the Industrial Revolution.
Advanced AI systems can be essential economic
and military resources. If these systems were in the
hands of malefactors, they could use them in
harmful ways. If several groups competed to
develop it first, it could have the destabilizing
dynamics of an arms race.
The regulation of artificial intelligence is the
development of public sector policies and laws for
promoting and regulating artificial intelligence (AI);
it is therefore related to the broader regulation of
algorithms. The regulatory and policy landscape for
AI is an emerging issue in jurisdictions globally,
including in the European Union. Regulation is
considered necessary to both encourage AI and
manage associated risks. Regulation of AI through
mechanisms such as review boards can also be
social means to approach the AI control problem.
Future of AI
Here are the main fields of action of AI in the future,
according to international research bodies:
• Reinforcement Learning
• Drastic Change in Employment Sector
• Automated Transportation
• Machines are Going to be as Smart as Humans
• Generative Adversarial Networks
• Reach the Next Level in Science
• Caring for the Elderly
• Great Support in Defense
• New Face of Movie Industry 12
AI in everyday life
Although it is an expensive and complex
technology, artificial intelligence is present in
the small details of everyday life in our
electronic devices such as:
• Google Predictive Searches
• Product/Music Recommendations
• Maps and Directions 
• Chatbots
• Virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa, etc)

AI and IOT
Internet of Things, on the other hand, is a network
of various devices that are connected over the
internet and they can collect and exchange data
with each other.
Now, all these IoT devices generate a lot of data
that needs to be collected and mined for actionable
results. This is where Artificial Intelligence comes
into the picture. IOT is used to collect and handle
the huge amount of data that is required by the
Artificial Intelligence algorithms. In turn, these
algorithms convert the data into useful actionable
results that can be implemented by the IoT devices.



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