About My Father

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Made By- Bhavya Goel

The most supporting and
loving father in the world

My Father’s early life
Made By- Bhavya Goel
The love towards Mathematics

Made By- Bhavya Goel

love to pilgrimage
In addition to his business, he has a deep love for
pilgrimage. He believes that visiting holy sites and
performing religious rituals brings peace and
enlightenment to the soul. He has traveled to many sacred
places across India and plans to continue his spiritual
His love for pilgrimage has also inspired him to give
back to his community. He regularly donates to charities
and help the people who are in need.
Made By- Bhavya Goel
His Altruistic Nature
My father’s love for his me knows
no bounds. He is always there to
support and encourage me in all
my endeavors. He never denies me
anything and goes above and
beyond to ensure their happiness
and well-being. Whether it's
attending school events or helping
with homework, He is always
present and engaged in my life. His
unwavering support and love have
helped shape me into a confident
and literate individual.

Made By- Bhavya Goel

Made By- Bhavya Goel

My father’s name is Rakesh Goel and he is a successful
business man. He works hard to provide for our family
and he always makes time for us. He has a passion for
pilgrimage and he often visits holy places with our family.
He believes that spirituality is important for a balanced
life. He is very good at mathematics and he has a sharp
mind. He helps me with my homework whenever I need
it and he teaches me many useful skills. He loves me a lot
and he never denies me for anything. He is very
generous and kind. He is very supportive of my dreams
and goals and he encourages me to work hard and be
happy. He always gives me good advice and he listens
to me with patience. He is the best father in the world
and I am lucky to have him.
Made By- Bhavya Goel

My father love for me knows no bounds. He is
always there to support and encourage me in
all my endeavors. He never denies me anything
and goes above and beyond to ensure their

happiness and well-being. Whether it's
attending school events or helping with
homework, he is always present and engaged
in my life. His unwavering support and love
have helped shape me into a confident and
successful individual.

"Dad- He can play

like a kid, give advice
like a friend, and
protect like a
bodyguard. "
 A Presentation by

Bhavya Goel

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