Effects of Bullying

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The Effects of Bullying

Trivia of The Day
Pavlov’s Dogs Study
Pavlov had the idea that dogs do not need to
learn certain things. He said these reflexes are
hard-wired into dogs. He wanted to
“condition” the dogs. This means he wanted a
response each time a new stimuli occurred. He
used a metronome and used it before giving
the dogs food. Over time, the sounds of the
clicking metronome caused an increase in

Conditioned Stimulus (Metronome) > 

Conditioned Response (Salivate)
Pavlov’s Dogs Study
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this lecture, the learners should be able to:

1. Know how bullying affects victims

2. Know the types of bullying and its effects

What is Bullying
and its Effects?
What is bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour, usually
among school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power imbalance. Both kids who are bullied
and who bully others may have serious, or lasting
Effects of Bullying
Bullying can affect everyone. Bullying is linked
to many negative outcomes including impacts on
mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is
important to talk to kids to determine whether
bullying, or something else is a concern.
Effects of Bullying
Effects of Physical Bullying
The effects caused by physical bullying can vary from different treatments. If it's
severe, then bruises and long-lasting injuries can be the results of it. Physical
bullying can't only cause physical injuries, but it can also affect the mental stability
of the victim. It can cause the victim to; fear people, develop depression, have
thoughts of suicide and self-harm.
Effects of Verbal Bullying
Verbal bullying can also result in the same effects as physical bullying.
The most notable effects that come from verbal bullying are mostly
caused by unstable mental issues. These are; the loss of self-esteem,
belief in oneself, and can make the victim try to always please people by
agreeing to everything they say.
Effects of Social Bullying
Social bullying is when the bully alienates or outcasts the victim, spreads rumours,
and embarrasses the victim. This can lead to a lot of effects previously mentioned as
well. Being socially bullied has serious negative effects on the victim's mental
health. They can include; loneliness, trust issues, and anxiety disorders. These
effects can even continue into adulthood.
Effects of Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying leaves little opportunity for victims to defend themselves. There are
no teachers or parents to see what is happening and stop to it. Cyberbullying can also
be anonymous, making it hard to report an authority figure. The effects from
cyberbullying can make the victim lose interest in things they normally enjoy, avoid
using their phone and see friends, and have trouble talking to other people.
1. What was the study I talked about for Trivia of The Day?

a. Hedgehog’s Dilemma b. Pavlov’s Dogs c. Human Conditioning

2. Which of the following were listed as effects of social bullying in the presentation?

a. Loss of self-esteem b. fear of people c. anxiety disorders

3. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and

a. Depression b. injuries c. suicide

4. What was the example that was mentioned when talking about social bullying?

a. Hedgehog’s Dilemma b. Pavlov’s Dogs c. Human Conditioning

5. What type of bullying can make the victim develop depression?

a. Physical b. Social c. Verbal d. Cyber e. all of the above

Effects of Bullying

I. What is bullying and it’s effects?

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.

II. Effects of bullying

1. Effects of Physical Bullying

2. Effects of Verbal Bullying

3. Effects of Social Bullying

4. Effects of Cyberbullying
Stop Bullying (2020) What Is Bullying

Stop Bullying (2021) Effects of Bullying


Modern Therapy (2018) Pavlov’s Dogs Study Explained


Talk Space (2018) Types of Bullying and its Effects


Our Family Word (2015) Verbal Bullying and its Effect on Kids


Positive Action (2021) What Is Social Bullying and How to Prevent It?

Kaspersky (2021) What are the effects of cyberbullying?

Thank you!

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