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Western Colleges, Inc.

Naic, Cavite



A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the School of

Graduate Studies of Western Colleges, Inc., Naic, Cavite


Ginoong Dan

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Initially, part of the professional expertise, teachers need to
develop during their teaching career is how to cope with the
daily stresses that accompany a career in education.

Teachers who learn to manage their stress levels

enjoy school and find its challenges enjoyable.

Teachers who do not are the ones who stress out,

burn out and leave the profession to find a less challenging
but less rewarding career.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Figure 1: Research Paradigm for Proactive
Anti – Burnout Strategies Among Teachers.

Demographic Profile of  
the Teacher

 Age Assessment of the

 Sex Teacher Respondents
 Educational in Terms of Pro-active
Attainment burnout strategies
 Position/Rank
 Years of Service
 Seminars Attended


Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 1
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency %

Less than 25 years old 5 7.14%

25 to 35 years old 39 55.71%

36 to 45 years old 19 27.14%

46 to 55 years old 5 7.14%

56 years old and above 2 2.86%

Total 70 100.00%

This shows that most of the teacher respondents are 25-35 years old.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 2
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of sex

Sex Frequency %

Male 6 8.57%

Female 64 91.43%

Total 70 100.00%

This shows that most of the teacher respondents are female.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 3
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of Educational Attainment

Educational attainment Frequency %

Bachelors 9 12.86%
Ma (with units) 45 64.29%
Ma (full pledge) 13 18.57%
Doctorate with units 3 4.29%
Total 70 100.00%

This shows that most of the teacher respondents have MA units.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 4
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of rank/status

Rank/Status Frequency %
Teacher I 37 52.86%
Teacher II 8 11.43%
Teacher III 18 25.71%
Mt I 5 7.14%
Mt II 2 2.86%
Total 70 100.00%

This means that most of the teacher respondents are Teacher I.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 5
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of number of years in service

No of Years in Service Frequency %

Less than 3 years 7 10.00%

3 to 5 years 22 31.43%

5 to 10 years 27 38.57%

More than 10 years 14 20.00%

Total 70 100.00%

This means that most of the teacher respondents are 5 to 10 years in


Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 6
Profile of the teacher respondents in terms of number of
seminars attended in the last three years

Number of seminars attended Frequency %

Less than 5 seminars 19 27.14%

5- 10 seminars 15 21.43%

More than 10 seminars 36 51.43%

Total 70 100.00%

This means that most of the teacher respondents have more than 10
seminars attended.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 7
Assessment on the Proactive anti-burn-out Strategies among teachers
  Mean Interpretation
Every time I feel burn-out, I…..
1. Place great value on my personal time. 3.50 Sometimes
2. Allow myself time to make effective transitions from one class to
3.57 Always
3 Keep a flexible attitude. 3.71 Always
4. Plan ahead. 3.47 Sometimes
5. Do not procrastinate. 3.13 Sometimes
6. Change my thinking as the need arises. 3.47 Sometimes
7. Plan how I will cope with stress. 3.54 Always
8. Plan activities that my pupils and I can anticipate with pleasure. 3.60 Always
9. Learn to pace my instruction to allow for some intense teaching
3.50 Sometimes
10. Work consistently to have a well- disciplined class. 3.71 Always
11. Add structure to my life. 3.53 Always
12. Establish a network of supportive and positive people who can help
3.61 Always
13. Take command of my school life. 3.40 Sometimes
14. Keep up with grading papers. 3.56 Always
15. Think before I act. 3.66 Always
General Assessment 3.53 Always
Legend: 3.51-4.00 Always; 2.51- 3.50 Sometimes; 1.51- 2.50 Seldom; 1.00- 1.50 Never

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


The result of the teacher respondents’ assessment, shows that

in average, teacher respondents always: work consistently to
have a well- disciplined class and keep a flexible attitude
(3.71); think before they act every time they feel burn-out
(3.66); establish a network of supportive and positive people
who can help them (3.61); plan activities that their pupils and
them can anticipate with pleasure (3.60); allow themselves
time to make effective transitions from one class to another
(3.57); keep up with grading papers (3.56); plan how they
will cope with stress (3.54); and add structure to their life

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


On the other hand, teacher respondents sometimes: do not

procrastinate (3.13); take command of their school life (3.40);
plan ahead and change their thinking as the need arises
(3.47); place great value on their personal time and lastly,
learn to pace their instruction to allow for some intense
teaching periods (3.50). The general assessment indicates that
teacher respondents always do or consider the proactive anti-
burn-out strategies (3.53).

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 8
Difference on the Assessment on Proactive anti-burn-out
Strategies among teachers

Profile F DF P value Interpretation Decision

Without Significant
Age 0.447 4, 65 0.774 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Sex 0.000 1, 68 0.992 Accept Ho

Educational Without Significant

0.379 3, 66 0.769 Accept Ho
attainment Difference

Without Significant
Rank/status 0.397 4. 65 0.810 Accept Ho

Without Significant
No of years in Service 1.284 3, 66 0.287 Accept Ho

No of Seminars Without Significant

2.169 3, 66 0.122 Accept Ho
Attended Difference

Legend: Level of Significance at p<0.05

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


The result of the difference on the assessment on proactive

anti-burn-out strategies among teachers shows that there are
no significant differences on the assessment. This means that
teacher respondents have relatively the same assessment
regardless of their age (p-value=0.774), sex (p-value=0.992),
educational attainment (p-value=0.769), rank (p-
value=0.810), number of years in service(p-value=0.287),
and number of seminars attended (p-value=0.122).

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Table 9
Relationship between the profile and assessment on the
Proactive anti-burn-out Strategies among teachers

 Profile Chi-Square DF P value Interpretation Decision

Without Significant
Age 4.284 8 0.831 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Sex 0.269 2 0.874 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Educational Attainment 1.435 6 0.964 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Rank 2.917 8 0.939 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Service 11.47 6 0.075 Accept Ho

Without Significant
Seminars 3.902 4 0.419 Accept Ho

Legend: Level of Significance at p<0.05

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


Finally, the result of the relationship between the profile and

assessment on the proactive anti-burn-out strategies among
teachers shows that there are no significant relationships
between the assessment and their age (p-value=0.831), sex
(p-value=0.874), educational attainment (p-value=0.964),
rank (p-value=0.939), number of years in service(p-
value=0.075), and number of seminars attended (p-

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded

that teacher respondents, in general, always do or
consider the proactive anti-burn-out strategies. There
are no significant differences on the assessment of
the respondents and there are no relationships
between their assessment and their profile.

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST


Target Activity/ies Persons Involved


Seminars School Administrators

To improve understandings about the
proactive anti-burnout strategies.
Interactive activities Teachers

Sharing of experiences

Teachers’ assessment
School Administrators
To put into practice all the proactive anti-  
burnout strategies.
Continuous reminders and

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

Put your HEART Enjoy the PROCESS and REST

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