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Name: Harvey 


Project: manipulating reality

Part 3 of 4

Justin Peters
contact sheet
Artiest Analyse
The name of the photography is Justin perter.
He was born in Germany and live there as well.
The name of the photo I'm interested in is fire moon as it is a flame
transforming into a moon.
The photo is about how the moon is can be transferred into other
The photograph shows a flame from a lighter and glowing orange
moon on the top of the flame in a dark room.
My eye is drawn to the top of the flame with the moon on it.
I like how the flame is the same color as the moon and how it is in
complete darkness.
The composition style that they have used is filling the frame. 
The lighting they have used is backlight as you cannot see the per-
son in the background of the image.
The formal elements that they have used are color, texture and
The artiest have focus the camera on the flame. 
The artist has used a shallow depth of field.
I think they have used a slow shutter speed.
Shoot 3: Plan
To produce a shoot showing a glowing moon over a flame light 

Date: 12/13 of November 

Lighting plan
Time: 30 mins

Location: my house

My work is inspirited by Justin perter and the
way he styles his photos


Equipment Lighting and Camera Settings

Camera, lighter, hand,  In the image of the lighter there will be no light other than the light coming of the flame
It will be a whole
moon and a shot of
a lighter
Shoot 3: Composition Sketches
I used filling the frame and different colours with no light in the image and I used a 180-degree angle
to take my image
Shoot 03 in the style of Photographer
Aim= the aim of the shoot was to show the moon and a flame

You can see the whole of the moon You can only see half of the

This is good as the flame

Flame is too short is tall
Digital edits using Photoshop. Experiments using colour/levels/greyscale/selective colour/layer blending/Photoshop brushes/cut and
copy layers/reflections and opacity.

I have use photoshop to change the colures on the

image and crop it 
Digital edits using Photoshop. Experiments using colour/levels/greyscale/selective colour/layer blending/Photoshop brushes/cut and
copy layers/reflections and opacity.

I have use photoshop to change the colures on the

image and crop it.
Most successful edit from shoot.

This is most successful photo from my shoot because has been edit the best and I could make it better by
having more off a moving flame. 

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