Unit-3 Design of Beams

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DOS302:Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure-I

Design of Beams
02/24/2022:Tshering Dendup

Limit State of Collapse: Flexure: Assumptions
1. The sectional plane remains plane before and after the bending.

The strain variation is linear

w.r.t the neutral axis

Limit State of Collapse: Flexure: Assumptions

2. The maximum compressive strain in flexure is 0.0035

Limit State of Collapse: Flexure: Assumptions

3. The stress and strain distribution block of the concrete

Limit State of Collapse: Flexure: Assumptions

4. All tension must be borne by steel reinforcement

Limit State of Collapse: Flexure: Assumptions

5. The minimum strain in steel is 0.002+0.87fy/Es

The Young’s modulus of elasticity of steel is

2*100000 N/mm2

7 Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beam
To compute values of X1 and X2

From strain diagram,

0.0035/(Xu)= 0.002/(X2)

X2 = 4/7*Xu

Thus, it applies that the

X1+X2= Xu

X1= 3/7*(Xu )

8 Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beam
Computation of Compressive forces

Compressive Force = Compressive Stress * Area

Following are the known data here:

1. Compressive Stress = 0.446fck
2. Area in compression = (b* X1 )+ 2/3(b* X2)
Therefore, the compressive Forces are:

C1= 0.446fck *(b* X1 )

C1= 0.446fck *(b*3/7*(Xu )…………………………. X1= 3/7*(Xu )

C2 = 0.446fck*(2/3(b* X2))

C2 = 0.446fck*(2/3(b*4/7*Xu))………………………X2 = 4/7*Xu
Computation of Resultant Compressive Force (C)
Knowing C1 and C2 , C can be computed easily.

C= C1+C2

C= 0.36*fck*b*Xu

Knowing the C.G of both the area of stress block, we

can compute C.G of the C.

a = C1* C.G1 + C2 * C.G2/ (C1+C2)

a = 0.415*Xu
a = 0.42*Xu

Lever arm = (d- 0.42*Xu)

Computation of Tensile forces(T)
Tensile Force = Tensile Stress in steel bars * Area of steel bars
Following parameters are known;
1. Tensile stress = 0.87fy
2. Area of steel bars = Ast

Therefore, tensile force

T = 0.87fy *Ast

11 Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beam
From the static equilibrium conditions of the section,

Compressive Force (C) = Tensile Force(T)

0.36*fck*b*Xu = 0.87fy *Ast

The material will try to offer resistance against applied external stresses through the coupling actions of the
compressive and tensile force.
The resultant moment from the C and T are referred to as MOMENT OF RESISTANCE (MoR)

Moment of Resistance = Compressive Force * Lever Arm

MoR, concrete = 0.36fck*b*Xu* (d-0.42Xu) OR

MoR, steel = 0.87fy* Ast * (d-0.42Xu) 05/26/2023

12 How to Calculate Xu
It can be calculated by equating Compressive force to Tensile Force

Xu = (0.87*fy *Ast ) /(0.36*fck*b)

The Xu depends on grade of steel, grade of concrete and area of steel reinforcement

Xu can also be calculated equating externally applied moment (Mu)

Mu= 0.36fck*b*Xu* (d-0.42Xu)

Mu= 0.87fy* Ast * (d-0.42Xu) 05/26/2023

How to Calculate Limiting value of Xu
It can be calculated based on Maximum Compressive Strain in concrete strain in Steel

0.0035/(Xulim) = (0.002+ 0.87fy/Es)/(d-Xulim )

Xulim = (700)/(1100+0.87fy )*d

Xulim =K*d

K= (700)/(1100+0.87fy)

***The Xulim depends only on the grade of steel keeping d constant 05/26/2023
How to Calculate Limiting value of Xu
Xulim = (700)/(1100-0.87fy )*d

If we divide above equation by d, we get

Table 1: Value of K for computing Xulim

Grade of Steel Value of K

Fe250 0.53

Fe415 0.48

Fe500 0.48 05/26/2023

Limiting value of MoR (Mulim)

Mulim exist due to existence of Xulim. Therefore, following are expression for different grade of steel:

Mulim = 0.36*fck*b*Xulim*(d-0.42Xulim)………………………….1
For Fe250, from 1
Mulim = 0.36* fck*b*o.53d*(d-0.42*.53d)

Mulim = 0.148* fck*b*d2

For Fe415, from 1
Mulim = 0.36* fck*b*o.48d*(d-0.42*0.48*d)

Mulim = 0.138* fck*b*d2

For Fe500, from 1
Mulim = 0.36* fck*b*o.46d*(d-0.42*0.46*d)

Mulim = 0.133* fck*b*d2 05/26/2023

Calculation of Ast

1. Ast can be calculate by equating C=T

0.36*fck*b*Xu = 0.87fy *Ast

Ast = (0.36*fck*b*Xu)/(0.87fy) OR

Xu = (0.87fy *Ast )/(0.36*fck*b)

= (0.87 fy  ∗ Ast  )/(0.36∗ fck ∗ b ∗ d )

Expression 2 gives percentage of reinforcement bars to be used in a section 05/26/2023

Formulae to Ast

2. Equating applied moment to MoR of steel,

Mu = 0.87fy* Ast * (d-0.42Xu)

Ast = Mu/(0.87fy* (d-0.42Xu))

3. Using the expression below,

𝑨𝒔𝒕=𝟎 . 𝟓∗ 𝒇𝒄𝒌∗
√ 𝟏 −(
𝟒 . 𝟔 𝑴𝒖
𝒇𝒄𝒌 ∗ 𝒃 ∗ 𝒅 𝟐
¿) ∗ 𝒃𝒅

Limiting value of Ast (Astlim)

Ast can be calculate by equating C=T

0.36*fck*b*Xulim = 0.87fy *Astlim

Astlim = (0.36*fck*b*Xulim)/(0.87fy) OR

Xulim = (0.87fy *Astlim )/(0.36*fck*b)

Xu lim
=(0.87 fy  ∗ Astlim  )/(0.36∗ fck ∗ b ∗ d )

Expression 2 gives limiting percentage of reinforcement bars to be used in a section 05/26/2023

Limiting value of Ast (Astlim)
The value of limiting percentage of reinforcement (Pt lim) depends on following parameters:

1. Grade of Steel reinforcement

(0.36 𝒇𝒄𝒌¿∗X u lim ¿ ∗100=  Ast lim/  b∗d) ∗100
2. Grade of Concrete (𝟎.𝟖𝟕 𝒇𝒚)𝒅
3. Xulim

Table 2: Ptlim value for different grade of steel and concrete

Xulim Grade M15 M20 M25 M30

0.53d Fe250 1.3159 1.7545 2.1931 2.6317

0.48d Fe415 0.7179 0.9572 1.1965 1.4358

0.46d Fe500 0.5710 0.7614 0.9517 1.1421

Classification of Sections

Under-reinforced Xu > Xulim

Balanced section Over-reinforced
section Ast > Astlim section
Brittle Failure
Xu = Xulim Xu < Xulim
MoR =Mulim Ast < Astlim
Ast = Astlim Ductile Failure Legend:
1. Blue line for balanced section 05/26/2023

2. Brown line for actual case under study

21 Limitations of Singly Reinforced Beam
Singly Reinforced beams are associate with following problems based on practicality. They

1. Limitation in its moment carrying capacity to value called Mulim but most of the cases members will be
subjected to applied moment greater than Mulim

2. Limitation in depth of beams from architectural constraints

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam

The doubly reinforced beam can be analyzed by breaking down into two parts as shown below.

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam

The balanced section can be analyzed as singly reinforced beam section

C1= 0.36*fck*b*Xulim

T1 = 0.87*fy *Astlim

For Fe250,
Mulim = 0.148* fck*b*d2
For Fe415,
Mulim = 0.138* fck*b*d2

For Fe500,
Mulim = 0.133* fck*b*d2

Mulim, steel =0.87*fy*Astlim * (d-0.42*Xulim) 05/26/2023

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam
The imaginary section has compression steel as well as balancing tension steel

C2= Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck)

T2 = 0.87*fy *Ast2

Mu-Mulim = Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck)*(d-d’)

Mu-Mulim=0.87*fy*Ast2 * (d-d’)

Where fsc is the stress in steel under compression

How to calculate Ast2
The value of Ast2 can be calculated as mentioned below:

1. Equating C2 = T2

Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck) = 0.87*fy *Ast2

Ast2 = Asc* (fsc- 0.446*fck)/(0.87*fy)

2. From Mu – Mulim in steel reinforcement in tension

Ast2 = (Mu-Mulim )/(0.87*fy* (d-d’))

3. By subtracting Astlim from known value of Ast

Ast = Astlim + Ast2

Ast2 = Ast - Astlim 05/26/2023

How to calculate Asc
The value of Asc can be calculated as mentioned below:

1. Equating C2 = T2

Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck) = 0.87*fy *Ast2

Asc= (0.87*fy)*Ast2)/(fsc- 0.446*fck)

2. From Mu – Mulim in steel reinforcement in compression

Mu-Mulim = Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck)*(d-d’)

Asc= Mu- Mulim /((fsc-0.446*fck)*(d-d’))

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam

Combining the two portions, we can get the overall expressions as given below:

1. Resultant Compressive force, C

C = C1 + C2

C = 0.36*fck*b*Xulim + Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck)

2. Resultant Tensile force, T

T = T1 + T2
T = 0.87*fy*Astlim + 0.87*fy *Ast2
T = 0.87*fy*(Astlim +Ast2 )
T = 0.87*fy*(Ast )

Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam

Combining the two portions, we can get the overall expressions as given below:

3. Resultant moment of Resistance in compression

MoR = C1*Lever Arm1 + C2 *Lever Arm2

MoR = 0.36*fck*b*Xulim *(d-0.42*Xulim)+ Asc* (fsc-0.446*fck)*(d-d’)

4. Resultant moment of Resistance in steel in tension

MoR= Lever Arm1* T1 + Lever Arm2 * T2

MoR = 0.87*fy*Astlim (d-0.42*Xulim)+ 0.87*fy *Ast2* (d-d’)

How to calculate fsc

The value of fsc can be calculated based on value on strain in compression steel ( εsc).

Thus, we need to calculate εsc first from figure shown below and then fsc.

From strain diagram in compression,

0.0035/(Xulim) = εsc /(Xulim – d’)

εsc = 0.0035 *(1 – d’)/(Xulim)

εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (d’)/(Xulim))

For Fe250, εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (d’)/(0.53*d))

For Fe415, εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (d’)/(0.48*d))

For Fe500, εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (d’)/(0.46*d))

How to calculate fsc
Thus, we need to calculate εsc first from figure shown below and then fsc.

Values of fsc for different values of d'/d

Example to calculate fsc

Lets calculate fsc for following given parameters:

1. Fe 415
2. d’ = 45mm and d= 450mm

Calculate εsc first. Here d’/d = 0.1

For Fe415, εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (45)/(0.48*450))

εsc = 0.0035 *(1– (45)/(0.48*450))

εsc = 0.00277, the strain lies between 0.00276 and 0.00380 from table in previous slide.

By interpolating linearly, the stress level is found as 0.97524*fyd

fsc = 0.97524* (415/1.15)

fsc = 352 MPa

Compression Reinforcement Specifications

 The minimum area of compression steel is 0.4% of the area of concrete in compression or 0.2% of the whole
cross-sectional area of the beam.

 The maximum compression steel shall not exceed 4 per cent of the whole area of cross-section of the beam as given
in cl. of IS 456

Tension Reinforcement Specifications

 The minimum amount of tensile reinforcement shall be at least (0.85 b*d/fy)

 The maximum area of tension reinforcement shall not exceed (0.04*b*D)

Spacing Specifications between any two steel reinforcement bars

 The steel of same grade and size should be used preferably for primary and secondary reinforcement.

 However, providing steel bars of different grade and size is also permissible

The horizontal distance between two parallel main reinforcing bars shall usually be not-less than the greatest of the

1. The diameter of the bar if the diameter are equal.

2. The diameter of the larger bar if the diameters are unequal and

3. 5 mm more than the nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate.

Effective Spans of the beams
The effective span of beam/slab is computed as mentioned below.

For simply supported condition, the effective span is given by smallest of the two:

1. Clear span + effective depth or

2. Center to center distance between supports

For Continuous beam/slab, the effective span depends on whether support width is greater than or less than
((1/12)*clear span) or 600mm

 If width of support is lesser than ((1/12)*clear span) or 600mm, effective span is lesser of the two:
1. Clear span + effective depth or

2. Center to center distance between supports.

Effective Spans of the beams
 If width of support is greater than ((1/12)*clear span) or 600mm, effective span is:

1. For end span with one end fixed and the other continuous or for intermediate spans, the effective span shall be the
clear span between supports;

2. 2) For end span with one end free and the other continuous, the effective span shall be equal to the clear span plus
half the effective depth of the beam or slab or the clear span plus half the width of the discontinuous support,
whichever is less;

3. 3) In the case of spans with roller or rocket bearings, the effective span shall always be the distance between the
center of bearings.

 The effective length of a cantilever shall betaken as its length to the face of the support plus half the effective depth
except where it forms the end of a continuous beam where the length to the center of support shall be taken.

 For Frame, Centre to center distance shall be used as effective span.

Question types under Beam Design
Problems are usually categorized under two sub-categories:

1. Analysis problem 2. Design problem

 In the analysis type of the problems, all the data  In the design type of problems, the designer has to
will be known and the designer has to find out determine the dimensions b, d, D, Ast and other such as
the moment of resistance of the beam. detailing of reinforcement, grades of concrete and steel
from the given design moment of the beam.

Choosing effective depth for Design Type problem
For this case, selection of effective depth becomes critical and it needs to be primarily obtained from deflection
requirement provisions if IS456:2000.

The effective depth has the major role to play in satisfying (i) the strength requirements of bending moment and shear
force, and (ii) deflection of the beam.

The initial effective depth of the beam, however, is assumed to satisfy the deflection requirement depending on the span
and type of the reinforcement.

Clause 23.2.1 of IS 456:2000 stipulates the basic ratios of span to effective depth of beams for span up to 10 m as:
1. Cantilever -7
2. Simply supported-20
3. Continuous -26

For spans above 10 m, the above values may be multiplied with 10/span in meters, except for cantilevers where the
deflection calculations should be made. Further, these ratios are to be multiplied with the modification factor depending on
reinforcement percentage and type. Figures 4 and 5 of IS 456 give the different values of modification factors. The total
depth D can be determined by adding 40 to 80 mm to the effective depth. 05/26/2023
Choosing effective depth for Design Type problem
Using modification factor, the basic ratios of span to effective depth of beams for span up to 10 m will change to:
1. Cantilever - 7* modification factor
2. Simply supported- 20* modification factor
3. Continuous – 26 * modification factor

Here are of steel required and provided will be assumed

to be equal initially.

Tension Reinforcement.
Choosing effective depth for Design Type problem

Flanged Beam

Indian Standard (2000).IS: 456-2000. Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th ed.). New Delhi:
Bureau of Indian Standards.

Indian Standard (1987). SP-16. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456-1978. New Delhi: Bureau of
Indian Standards.

Nptl (2000). Reinforced Concrete Design-Civil Engineering (2nd ed.).Kharagpur: IIT Kharagpur.

Park, R., & Paulay, T. (1975). Reinforced Concrete Structures. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Pillai, S.U.,& Menon, D. (2007). Reinforced Concrete Design (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited.

Raju, N.K.,& Pranesh, R.N. (2003). Reinforced Concrete Design. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Limited


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