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Language as a Tool of


 Language is Artificial
 Created by people according to their needs.
 Every symbol is attached to a particular thought/thing called
 Ex – words like aids, nice, idiot
 Language is open to modification. Changes are incorporated with
changing needs
 Language is Restricted

 While encoding some ideas into a language, some meaning is lost.

 No symbol or word can transmit the exact reality.
 It is the sketch of the apparent and obvious.
 Ex: a beautiful place
 Language is Abstract
 As it represents generalized ideas of things or thoughts.
 The idea the word represent, is different every time.
 Ex: dress
 To be abstract is to generalize and to generalize is to leave out
many details.
 A table can be of different shapes and size and still be called a table.
Ex: table with 3 legs.
Meanings get associated with symbols and users keep expanding the
range of meanings.

 Dfg
 Language is Arbitrary
 Means- not based on reason or evidence.
 No direct relationship between the word and the object.
 Language is arbitrary because a language form does not have a
natural relationship with its meaning.
 Language is Creative
 Language is indeed creative, and its ability to generate so many
words every day is a marvel.
 Every year innumerable words are added to the dictionary. These
words can be added by different processes:
borrowing – taking over words from other languages such as
‘alcohol’ from Arabic and ‘boss’ from Dutch
constructing portmanteau words –words made by combining
the sound and meaning of two different words.
 Ex: Edutainment = education + entertainment, emote for emotion.
 Blending's in IGNITA posters

 dgs
 Language is

 Language has the capacity for redundancy or repetition.

 Redundancy may improve or impede effective communication.
 Ex: A couple of girls are riding their bicycles.
 So many signals to indicate the presence of more than one person-
girls, bicycles are riding.
 Language is Recursive
 Recursiveness is to generate any number of sentences using the
same grammatical templates.
 It allows to express any idea, thought, or feeling using the same
 Ex: This man who is wearing a crumpled coat, which he borrowed
from me to wear in his interview, which was on Wednesday, which
was the day it was raining………..

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