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What Is Hydroponics?

• Hydroponics is a technique of growing

plants in the absence of soil, where plants
are grown with a nutrient-rich solution. This
solution is absorbed directly by the plant

Benefits of Hydroponics
• Use of lesser space
• Plants grow faster
• Reduced pests
How Is My System Different
From The Actual System?

My system consisted of 3 cups with holes

on the bottom and cotton inside and a
larger plastic container filled with water.

The actual system used is larger in size as

the number of plants necessary for sales is
more, and the materials used are better in
quality for easier maintenance.
Day 2

Day 3
My progress
• I recorded 5 days of my plant's growth
Disadvantages of
• Expensive initial cost
• Requires education on the
technology and technique
• If proper components are not
obtained, can malfunction easily
• Dependent on electricity
Message to
• Hydroponics is a great way to grow plants
as it is efficient especially because it can
produce large amounts of products but
does have its disadvantages such as being
expensive and dependent on electricity.
Ultimately, hydroponics has the potential to
revolutionize the way we grow food, and to
help us create a more sustainable and
resilient future for all. Let us continue to
explore this innovative method of farming,
and work together to build a more equitable
and sustainable food system for generations
to come.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.

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