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Dr.Madhuchhanda Mohanty
Food Survey
A world-wide survey was conducted by the UN.
The only question asked was... : "Would you please give your
honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest
of the world?"
The survey was a huge failure because...:
1. In Africa they didn't know what "food" means.
2. In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" means.
3. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" means.
4. In China they didn't know what "opinion" means.
5. In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" means.
6. In South America they didn't know what "please" means.
7. In the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world"
It is the process by which individuals organize &
interpret their sensory impressions in order to give
meaning to their environments.
It can be defined as the process of
receiving,selecting,organising,interpreting,checking &
reacting to sensory stimuli or data.
Perceptual Process


Receiving Selecting Organizing


Reacting Checking Interpreti


Process of Receiving Stimuli
Five Sensory Organs : vision,hearing,smell,touch,&

Stimuli :
Physical Objects,events,people
Process of Selecting Stimuli
Selecting a few and relevant one.
A. External Factors Influencing Selection:
In front of the eyes, centre of a page
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…
Loud noise –soft sound, strong odour – weak odour,
bright light – dim light
Larger object – smaller object
Standing out against the background
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…
Moving object – still object
Repeated stimulus – single one
Novelty & familiarity:
New objects in a familiar situation & vice versa.
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…

B. Internal Factors Influencing Selection

 Learning:
People tend to perceive what they want to perceive


Turn off
the the
engine M-A-C-B-E--T-H
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…
Psychological Needs:
Needs play a significant role in perceptual selectivity
(Hungry, Thirsty)
 Age Difference:
 Interest:
Unconsciously influenced by the interest of the
perceiver (Architect)
Process of Selecting Stimuli cont…
Mixed feelings
Paranoid Perception:
Perception is so selective that he can find little
common ground for communication with other
The Process of Organizing
Forming bits of information into meaningful whole is
called Perceptual Organization.
 Figure Ground:
Relationship of a target to its background influence
The Process of Organizing
The Process of Organizing
Perceptual Grouping:
Similarities: Objects of similar size,shape/colour
tend to be grouped together.
Proximity: Perceives stimuli which are near one
another as belonging together.
Closure: Perceives a whole when non-exists.
Continuity: Perceives continuous lines/patterns.
The Process of Organizing…
Perceptual constancy:
Ability to perceive characteristic of an object as
remaining constant despite variation in the stimuli.
Shape constancy, Size constancy,Colour constancy
The Process of Interpreting
Perceptual set:
Ability to perceive characteristic of an object as
remaining constant despite variation in the stimuli.
Individual assigns causes to the behaviour he/she
The Process of Interpreting…
A person’s perception of another to be influenced
by the social group to which the other belongs.
Halo Effect:
Tendency of perceiving people in terms of good
and bad, and ascribing all good qualities to one
who is liked and all bad qualities to another who is
The Process of Interpreting…
Perceptual Context:
The context in which object is placed.
Perceptual Defense:
Individual is likely to put a defense when confronted
with conflicting, unacceptable or threatening stimuli.
The Process of Interpreting…
Outright Denial
Change in perception but refusal to change
Change in perception itself.
Implicit Personality Theory:
Human traits are associated with one another.
People tend to see in another person traits that they
themselves posses.
The Process of Checking
Self introspection
Veracity about the interpretation with other

The Process of Reacting

Favourable – action is positive
Unfavourable – action is negative


Employment Interview
Performance Appraisal
Performance Expectation
Employee Effort
Employee Loyalty
Impression Management
No two people see the
external world in exactly the
same way. To every separate
person a thing is what he
thinks it is -- in other words,
not a thing, but a think.

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