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ICS 2304

Programming Paradigms

Explain Divisibility using mathematical

Steps to Prove by Mathematical

Step 1

Show the basis step is true. That is, the

statement is true for n=0
Steps to Prove by Mathematical

Step 2

Assume the statement is true for n=k.

This step is called the induction

Steps to Prove by Mathematical

Step 3

Prove the statement is true for n=k+1.

This step is called the induction step

What does it mean by a divides b ?

Since we are going to prove divisibility statements, we
need to know when a number is divisible by another.
So how do we know for sure if one divides the other?

Suppose and b are integers. If a divides b , then
we can write it as an equation

where c is some integer.

2 divides 10 because 10=2 (5) where 5 is an

8 divides 136 because 136=8 (17) where 17 is
an integer
Examples of Proving Divisibility
Statements by Mathematical

Example 1: Use mathematical induction to
prove that n2 + n is divisible by 2 for all positive
integers n.



a) Basis step: show true for n=0.
n2 + n = (0)2 + 0
Yes , 0 is divisible by 2

b) Assume that the statement is true for n=k.

. Thus, n2 + n becomes k2 + k

where k is a positive integer.

Now , write k2 + k as part of an equation which
denotes that it is divisible by 2.
k2 + k= 2x
For some integer x.

Solve for k2. We will use this for substitution
k2 = 2x - k

c)Prove the statement is true for n = K + 1

(k+1)2 + (k+1) = k2 + 2k + 1+ k+ 1
=k2 + 3k + 2
=k2 + 3k + 2
=(2x - k) + 3k + 2
=2x – k + 3k +2
=2x + 2k +2
=2(x + k + 1)

(k+1)2 + (k+1)= 2y

Where y= x+ k +1 ,and since x and k are
integers, therefore y is also an integer.

This means (k+1)2 + (k+1) is also divisible by 2.

By principle of mathematical induction , the
statement is true for all positive integers.

Example 2:

Use mathematical induction to prove that

n3 - n + 3n is divisible by 3 for all positive
integers n.


a) Is it true for n= 0 ?

n3 – n + 3 = (0)3 – (0) + 3

Yes , it is divisible by 3

b) Assume true for n = k

n3 – n + 3 = k3 – k + 3 Where
k = Z+

Next ,express k3 –k +3 as part of an equation
which suggests that it is divisible by 3
k3 – k + 3 = 3x
for some integer x

Solve for k3 . This will be used for substitution
k3 = 3x + k - 3

c) Show that the statement is true for
n =k + 1

(k + 1)3 – (k + 1) + 3 =RHS

RHS =k3 + 3k2 + 3k + 1 - k -1 + 3
= k3 + 3k2 + 2k + 3
=(3x + k - 3) + 3k2 + 2k + 3
=3x + k - 3 + 3k2 + 2k +3
= 3x + 3k2 + k + 2k - 3 + 3
=3x + 3k2 + 3k
=3(x + k2 + k)
RHS = 3y

Notice , y = x + k2 + k. Since x and k are
integers, then y must also be an integer.

We have shown that (k + 1)3 – (k +1) + 3 is
divisible by 3.

By principle of mathematical induction, the
statement is true for all positive integers.

Example 3:

Use mathematical induction to prove that

22n - 1 is divisible by 3 for all positive integers


a) Basis step: show the statement is true for
22n – 1 = 22(0) – 1
=2 -1


Yes , 0 is divisible by 3

b) Assume the statement is true for n=k .

Substitute k for n to transform
22n – 1 to 22k – 1

Suppose k is a positive integer, if 22k – 1 is
divisible by 3 then there exists an integer x
such that
22k – 1 = 3x

Let’s solve for 22k . This will be used in our
inductive step in part c.
22k = 3x + 1

b)Prove the statement true for n = k + 1
22(k+1) – 1 = 22k+2 – 1
=22k .22 – 1
= 22. 22k – 1
=4 . 22k – 1
=4.(3x + 1) – 1
=12x + 4 – 1
= 12x + 3
=3(4x + 1)

22(k+1) – 1 = 3y

Note, y = 4x + 1. I hope you can see that
y is an integer since x is also an integer.

Clearly, 22(k+1) – 1 is divisible by 3.

By principle of mathematical induction,
the statement is true for all positive

Group-3 Members

James Lemayian Nakolah

Juma Ali Kiwaka

Perpetual Nduta Kabute

Joseph Mbote Mbogo

Brian Orori Athanas Simba

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