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The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:

Tool for Global Population Control

1. The SARS CoV2 virus was the result of an illegal

gain-of-function bioweapons research.
2. The Covid-19 “pandemic” did not happen naturally.
3. The gain-of-function research was planned and
executed primarily by the US government with the
collaboration of China in the later stages of the
4. The “power elite” and the “big business elite” were
the main drivers behind the WHO proclamation of a
“pandemic” and the instructions for a global response.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control
5.The global “pandemic” response prescribed mainly by the
WHO and the US CDC was highly irregular, unscientific,
irrational and were aligned with Big Business interests.
6. Covid “vaccines”, especially the mRNA “vaccines”, and
Ramdesivir, were hurriedly mandated to be the only
approved therapeutics for Covid-19 despite the presence of
highly effective alternative and much more affordable
treatments like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and
7. Big business have “captured” government regulatory
bodies and most policy makers on practically all aspects of
pandemic response and control.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

8. Big business have created corporate controlled

institutions and entities that channeled funding and
programs to governments, UN institutions (especially the
WHO), health institutions and societies, mainstream media,
academia, scientific bodies and journals and many others
that supported the false official narrative on the Covid-19
pandemic and that pushed global mandatory mass
“vaccinations” as basically the only solution to the
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

9. Practically all scientific facts, research findings of

independent experts, clinical observations and opinions of
independent medical doctors and scientitists, “real world
data”, massive peoples’ testimonies and alternative media
releases providing information contrary to the official
narrative about the Covid-19 pandemic, including
prophylaxis, therapeutics and vaccines were systematically
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

10. The RNA vaccine technology used has never

been used before in humans.
11. mRNA vaccines are incompletely understood.
Potential safety concerns include local and
systemic inflammation, biodistribution and
persistence of expressed immunogen,
autoimmunity, blood coagulation and
pathological thrombus formation, among others.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

12. Genetically engineered vaccines carry significant

unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful
potential hazards, such as: immunopathological
reaction, autoimmunity, long-term tolerance,
persistent infection and latent infections, emergence
of mutant types of viruses, enhanced pathogenicity
and unexpected serious adverse events (including
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

13. There are potentially toxic components in the

covid-19 vaccines that are not disclosed by the
manufacturers. There is good evidence that graphene
oxide, a highly toxic chemical with self-assembling and
biosensor characteristics that can be manipulated
through electromagnetic energy is present in at least
some batches of the synthetic, genetically modified
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

14. The history of vaccination is replete with

scientific evidence of adverse effects through
enhanced pathogenicity, mutation,
recombination, induced immune system
dysfunction, and various non-specific effects
following vaccination despite regulatory
approval and prior clinical trials.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

15. Vaccine manufacturers have a history of criminal

and other malfeasance including fraud, conduct of
unethical clinical trials, tax evasion, bribery,
misrepresentation and others.
16. Big Pharma, WHO, US CDC, UNICEF,
governments and medical authorities have misled
the public about vaccines.
17. Big Pharma exerts effective control over vaccine
research, funding, information, policies, and
practically everything related to vaccines.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

18. The credibility of the CDC, WHO, public health

authorities and mainstream health professionals have
been seriously eroded because of corporatization,
conflicts of interests, dishonesty, corruption and
misrepresentation. People have good reasons to be
wary of vaccines. Too much reliance on vaccines to
address infectious diseases is not congruent with the
current body of scientific knowledge about the immune
system, microbial ecology and the intimate relationship
of humans with the environment.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control

19. A massive global propaganda campaign was

implemented, designed to condition the global
population to believe the official narrative about
Covid-19, coerce them into mandatory mass
vaccination and accept unscientific lockdowns,
authoritarian measures and restrictions that violate
fundamental human rights and civil liberties.
The Covid-19 “pandemic” vaccines:
Tool for Global Population Control


The Covid-19 “pandemic”, vaccines
and Global Population Control
A. There is a plausible, scientifically credible body of
knowledge to explain the Covid-19 conspiracy.
B. There was a plan by a group of people to create a
synthetic pathogenic virus, “vaccines” and “pandemic”
responses that are clearly harmful to humans.
C. There are numerous direct, indirect and circumstantial
evidence that support the theory, including evidence of
serious injuries and deaths, from the mandated vaccines,
especially the mRNA vaccines.
D. There is historical corroborative evidence that
reasonably explains why the theory is true.
The Covid-19 “pandemic”, vaccines
and Global Population Control
The global vaccine facility, COVAX, is coordinated
Worldwide by the WHO, GAVI (Vaccine Alliance), CEPI
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World
Economic Forum (WEF), the Wellcome Trust, DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Program Agency) and Big
Pharma. The stated objective was to vaccinate 8 billion
people in 190 countries and impose a digitized ID and
“vaccine passport” which will also serve as a population
surveillance tool.
The Covid-19 “pandemic”, vaccines
and Global Population Control
Suggested readings:
1. On Covid killer vaccines
Covid Killer Vaccine-Global Criminal Undertaking_Chossudovsky
2. On mRNA vaccines
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations_Seneff, Nigh, Krakopoulos,
3. On Graphene oxide in vaccines
UK Scientists CONFIRM Graphene-Nano-Vaccine Vials
What needs to be done?
 A wareness raising
 N etworking among groups
 T echnical capacity building
 I nformation exchange/monitoring
 D eepening of understanding
 O rganizing concerned people
 T ransformative action
 E mpowerment of people

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