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Grade 7


Anansi was tired of her web. So one day, she said “I will go
live with the ant.”
Now, the ant lived in a small hill. Once in the hill Anansi
cried, “This place is too dark! I will go live with the bees.”
When she got to the beehive, Anansi cried, “This place is
too hot and sticky! I will go live with the beetle.”
But on her way to beetle’s home she saw her web. “Maybe
a web is the best place after all."
Comprehension Check

1. Where does Anansi live?

a. in a beehive
b. in a web
c. in a hill
2. What was her problem?
a. She went to beetle’s house.
b. She went back to the web.
c. She went to the beehive.
Comprehension Check

3. Which of the following happened last?

a. She went to beetle’s house.
b. She went back to the web.
c. She went to the beehive.
4. What would she have said at beetle’s home?
a.“This place is not for me.”
b. “This place can be better.”
c. “This place is exactly like my web.”
Comprehension Check

6. At the end of the story, which statement do you think is she

going to say?Why?
a. “My home is your home.”
b. “Homes should be shared.”
c. “There’s no place like home.
Pedrito’s Snack
The bell rang. “It’s snack time!” Pedrito shouted and ran out of
the room. He sat on a bench under a tall tree.

In Pedrito’s lunch bag were three soft buns. He got the first one
and took a bite. “Mmmm,” said Pedrito. Just then, a sparrow sat
on the bench. It was looking at him. Pedrito didn’t mind. He went
on and finished his bun.
Pedrito’s Snack
Then Pedrito got his second bun. He took a big bite and
said “Mmmm!” The sparrow was still looking at him. It also moved closer.
But still, Pedrito did not mind. He went on and finished his bun.

Finally, Pedrito got his last bun. He was about to take a bite
when the sparrow flew up to his shoulder. Pedrito smiled, cut the
bun in two and said to himself, “I think someone also likes bread
and butter.”
Comprehension Check
1. What was Pedrito excited about?
a. having his favorite snack
b. going to the bench
c. being with the birds
d. finding a friend
2. Which of the statements explains the sentence, “Pedrito
didn’t mind.”
a. Pedrito was not thinking.
b. Pedrito was not bothered.
c. Pedrito did not want to think.
d. Pedrito did not want to be bothered.
Comprehension Check
3. Which of these was NOT mentioned in the story?
a. The sparrow looked at the bread.
b. The sparrow sat down on the bench.
c. The sparrow moved closer to Pedrito.
d. The sparrow flew onto Pedrito’s shoulder.
4. What does the word ‘finished’ mean in the phrase "finished
his bun?"
a. The bun was eaten.
b. The bun was prepared.
c. The bun was thrown away.
d. The bun was already spoiled.
Comprehension Check
5. Why was the sparrow looking at him?
a. It wanted to be a pet.
b. It wanted to watch Pedrito as he ate.
c. It wanted to have a share of the bun.
d. It wanted to listen more closely to Pedrito.
6. . Why did Pedrito have to break the third bun in two?
a. So that he can eat the bun in two bites.
b. So that he can cut up the bun some more.
c. So that he can share it with the sparrow.
d. So that he can save the other half for later.
Comprehension Check

7. Which of the following sentences best shows what Pedrito

thought of at the end of the story?
a. “Sharing is only true among friends.”
b. “Ask and you shall receive.”
c. “One good turn deserves another.”
d. “Something good is even better when shared.”
Effects of Anger
Effects of Anger
Anger is often viewed as harmful. It does not only affect the person’s
feeling, but also those around him or her. As these feelings get stronger,
changes occur in our body. Our faces turn red and carry a frown. Our
teeth are clenched and our hands are closed tight. Our breathing becomes
heavy and this makes our heart beat faster. Our shoulder and neck
muscles become stiff and our blood pressure begins to rise. All these
things happen because our body is preparing for something. It is
preparing for action. However, this action does not have to be harmful.
Effects of Anger
Effects of Anger
People are often guilty about feeling angry. But, anger can
be viewed positively. Feelings of anger tell you that
something is not right and that something needs to change.
The challenge lies in making sure that actions resulting from
anger will help rather than harm. Expressing our feelings can
help others understand the source of our anger rather than
fear its consequences.
Effects of AngerCheck
1. Which is NOT an observed change in our body when we get angry?
a. Our face turns red.
b. Our heart beats faster.
c. Our shoulders become stiff.
d. Our breathing becomes slow.

2. n the sentence, “Changes occur in our body,” which of the following

words is a synonym for the word occur?
a. stay
b. form
c. happen
d. transform
Effects of AngerCheck
3. Why do people sometimes feel guilty for being angry?
a. Anger may hurt others.
b. Anger is not a feeling you should show to other people.
c. Anger may cause us to create positive change in the world.
d. Anger may cause us to be motivated to act on something.

4. Which of these actions is based on anger as a positive form of

a. focusing on what is wrong
b. saying hurtful words
c. identifying the root of the problem
d. keeping our emotions bottled up inside of us
Effects of AngerCheck
5. Which of these actions are based on anger as a form of motivation?
a. asking the person we are angry at to think of how the problem can
be resolved
b. giving the person that we are angry at the silent treatment
c. kicking a chair aside and screaming out loud
d. seeking the help of a third person to side with you

6. What is one benefit of feeling angry?

a. It provides a form of exercise for our heart and blood vessels.
b. It prepares us for future occasions that we might feel angry.
c. It serves as a signal that something is not right.
d. It changes how our mind works.
Effects of AngerCheck
7. In the selection, what is the meaning of the word "challenge?"
a. It refers to a task that is new.
b. It refers to a task that is different
c. It refers to a task that is assigned to us.
d. It refers to a task that is difficult to do.

8. In the selection, which trait would be most helpful when trying to use our
anger in a positive way?
a. being obedient
b. being honest
c. being thoughtful
d. being hardworking
No matter how often we sweep the floor of our homes,
we are still able to gather together a considerable
amount of dust. Dust is all around us. It gathers on
bookshelves, on furniture - old or new. These particles
rest on any still object – undisturbed until touched or
wiped clean.
Dust, which was first believed to be made of dead skin has been
found to be a mix of different things. Some of the common
ingredients of dust particles include animal fur, dead insects,
food, fiber from clothes, beddings, soil and other chemicals.
Although most of household dust comes from the outside
through doors, windows and shoes, other dust particles come
from within. Scientists have discovered that the mix of dust
from each household actually depends on four things: the
climate, the age of the house, the number of persons who live
in it and their individual cooking, cleaning and smoking habits.
Making our homes free of dust may not be possible but
lessening the amount of dust that we keep in our homes will
help avoid possible allergies and allow us to breathe well.
Comprehension Check
1. Which of the following is NOT true about dust?
a. Dust causes allergies.
b. Dust is made of dead skin only.
c. Dust comes from both within the home and outside of it.
d. The amount of dust in the house may depend on the climate.

2. Knowing the contents of the dust in our homes will determine ________.
a. how dust can be cleaned up
b. where the dust is coming from
c. what one might add to one’s home
d. the lifestyle of the occupants
Comprehension Check
5. Knowing the composition of dust will especially help persons with ____.
a. motor difficulties
b. physical disabilities
c. circulatory concerns
d. respiratory problems
6. In this selection, the word “habits” refers to ________.
a. one’s unusual behavior
b. being addicted to something
c. the work one occasionally performs
d. the manner by which one repeatedly does a task
Comprehension Check
7. How did the writer develop this selection about dust?
a. by giving examples
b. by narrating some events
c. by stating the cause and effect
d. by identifying the problem and the solutions

8. Which is an appropriate title of this selection?

a. Keeping the Houses Dust-Free
b. Sources of Dust in Our Homes
c. Effects of Dusty Homes
d. Diseases Due to Dust

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