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Async Task Loader callback
Table of contents
Introduction to Async Task Loader Callbacks
How Async Task Loader Callbacks Work
Benefits of Using Async Task Loader Callbacks
Best Practices for Using Async Task Loader Callbacks
Examples of Using Async Task Loader Callbacks
Introduction to Async Task Loader
Async Task Loaders are a class that allows you to perform asynchronous tasks in the background of your application.
This is useful for tasks that take a long time to complete, such as loading data from a database or the internet.
Async Task Loaders work by using a separate thread to perform the background task. This allows the UI thread to
remain responsive while the background task is running.
There are three main callbacks:-
onCreateLoader(): This method is called when the Async Task Loader is first created. It is used to initialize the
Async Task Loader and to create the background thread.
loadInBackground(): This method is called when the Async Task Loader needs to load data from the background. It
is responsible for performing the actual work of the background task.
onLoadFinished(): This method is called when the Async Task Loader has finished loading data. It is used to update
the UI with the loaded data.
How Async Task Loader Callbacks Work
When an Async Task Loader is first created, it calls the onCreateLoader() method. This
method is responsible for initializing the Async Task Loader and for creating the
background thread.
The background thread is used to perform the actual work of the Async Task Loader.
This work can be anything from loading data from a database to making an HTTP
When the background thread finishes its work, it calls the onLoadFinished() method.
This method is responsible for updating the UI with the loaded data.
Benefits of Async Task Loader Callbacks
There are several benefits to using Async Task Loader Callbacks, including:
Improved responsiveness: Async Task Loaders allow the UI thread to remain responsive while
the background task is running. This means that the user can still interact with your application
while the background task is in progress.
Reduced memory usage: Async Task Loaders use a separate thread to perform the background
task. This reduces the amount of memory that your application uses, which can improve
performance and battery life.
Improved reliability: Async Task Loaders are more reliable than using AsyncTasks directly. This
is because Async Task Loaders are automatically restarted if the activity is destroyed or the
configuration changes.
Best Practices for Using Async Task Loader

Here are some best practices for using Async Task Loader Callbacks:-
• Use Async Task Loaders for tasks that take a long time to complete.
• Avoid using Async Task Loaders for tasks that can be completed quickly on the
UI thread.
• Use the onLoadFinished() method to update the UI with the loaded data.
• Override the onReset() method to release any resources that are used by the
Async Task Loader.
Examples of Using Async Task Loader
Here are some examples of how to use Async Task Loader Callbacks:-
Loading a list of items from a database
Making an HTTP request
Downloading a file
Parsing XML or JSON data
Async Task Loaders are a powerful tool that can be used to perform
asynchronous tasks in the background of your application. By using Async Task
Loaders, you can improve the responsiveness, memory usage, and reliability of
your application.

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